
dispose [dɪˈspəʊz]  [dɪˈspoʊz] 







dispose 基本解释


及物/不及物动词处理,处置; 安排

及物动词布置; 排列; 使倾向于,使有意于

dispose 相关例句


1. They disposed troops along the river.

2. Hardship disposes man to meet adversity.


1. We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines.

2. The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position.

3. Man proposes, God disposes.

dispose 网络解释


1. 部署:通过以下3个步骤即可实现一个delegate:a) 如果需要编辑机器(IDE)产生的代码,编辑格式和风格要符合该编码标准. 一般来讲在.NET结构下的WebService应用都是基于.net framework以及IIS的架构之下,所以部署(Dispose)起来相对比较容易点.

2. 释放:2是对于结果(result)的付值. 通过注释我们知道2是等于逃跑的. 不过其实意义不大. 整个方法当中只有在当$scene发生改变的时候,main 方法当中的loop do 循环会自动结束,然后释放(dispose)所有窗口.

dispose 词典解释

相关词组:dispose of

dispose 单语例句

1. An environmentalist in Shanghai is seeking business partners to educate people about green issues and form enterprises that dispose of waste safely.

2. The Japanese and Chinese sides meet monthly to discuss how to dispose of these chemical weapons and what environmental standards should be complied with.

3. There is little disagreement with the consensus that garbage classification is the best way to dispose of waste in an environmentally friendly manner.

4. Individual sellers dispose of their tickets because of scheduling conflicts, but scalpers regularly trade for profit at considerably above the ticket's face value.

5. The 1998 version of the Law on Land Management stipulates local governments have to report how they dispose of land intended for new construction.

6. Under the adversary system in China, litigants may dispose of their rights at their own discretion.

7. The spokesman advised consumers in possession of any of the pistachios bought from these retailers to dispose of them and thoroughly wash their hands afterwards.

8. Figuring he couldn't dispose of it in full, he used a small handsaw from his toolbox to dismember her.

9. GM decided to dispose of Saab in February as part of a European reorganization.

10. dispose的意思

10. Waste producers - from factories to stores to individual consumers - may soon have to pay to dispose of materials they once sold to recyclers.

dispose 英英释义


1. make fit or prepared

    e.g. Your education qualifies you for this job

    Synonym: qualify

2. make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief

    e.g. Their language inclines us to believe them

    Synonym: incline

3. place or put in a particular order

    e.g. the dots are unevenly disposed

4. dispose的反义词

4. throw or cast away

    e.g. Put away your worries

    Synonym: discard fling toss toss out toss away chuck out cast aside throw out cast out throw away cast away put away

5. give, sell, or transfer to another

    e.g. She disposed of her parents' possessions
