display window

display window [disˈplei ˈwindəu]  [dɪˈsple ˈwɪndo] 

display window 基本解释


display window 网络解释

1. 显示窗口:说明:演示直接采集图像到计算机屏幕(显存). 采集图像显示的位置可为计算机屏幕窗口任意位置. 注意区分视频输入窗口(Input Window)、输出窗口(Output Window)以及显示窗口(Display Window)的概念.

2. 顯示視窗:闪烁的范围可以根据卷动视窗(Scroll Window) 的大RA8815 可以透过游标控制暂存器(CURCR) 控制游标显示的开(游标显示)或关(游标 显示)、游标闪烁与否,游标闪烁周期时间则由闪烁设定暂存器(BLTR) 决定,可以由8 个Frames 到128 个RA8815 的显示视窗(Display Window)就是是实际LCD 面板的大小,

3. 陈列窗:exhibit rack, display rack 展览架 | display window 陈列窗 | current issue 现期杂志

4. 显示窗:Display Unit 显示单元 | Display Window 显示窗 | Display Window Manager 显示窗管理程序

display window 单语例句

1. It said in view of the surroundings of the mall, it will not put up any posters on the display window to promote betting.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. On the display window, there is a large paper posting the sales job vacancy.

3. Her costumes and makeup alone were like a window display of Chinese chic.

4. display window的翻译

4. It has been regarded by some as a good platform for information exchange and cooperation, as well as a window through which Yunnan can display its scientific achievements.

5. Providing a window into Tibet's religion, 200 Tibetan Buddhist statues are on display at the China National Museum.

6. A sales broker at a real estate agent replaces a property advertisement in the company's window display in London.

display window 英英释义


1. a window of a store facing onto the street
    used to display merchandise for sale in the store

    Synonym: shop window shopwindow show window
