dispense with

dispense with [disˈpens wið]  [dɪˈspɛns wɪð] 

dispense with 基本解释


摒弃, 省掉; 摈除; 离

dispense with 相关例句

dispense with


1. The new invention has dispensed with much labour.

dispense with 网络解释

1. 免除:discretion自由裁量权 | dispense with免除 | dispose of处置

2. 省掉;没有...也行;无需:as with 正如, 与...一样 | dispense with 省掉; 没有...也行; 无需 | do without 没有...也行, 没有...而设法对付过去


4. 废除:提出(政策):propose, offer | 废除:eliminate, get rid of, do way with, dispense with | 提供:provide, offer, give

dispense with 词典解释
dispense with的意思

1. 摒弃;省却;不用
    If you dispense with something, you stop using it or get rid of it completely, especially because you no longer need it.

    e.g. Many households have dispensed with their old-fashioned vinyl turntable.

dispense with 单语例句

1. The staff should relate their personal benefits with the port, which would dispense rewards and honors according to individual contributions.

2. dispense with的反义词

2. It is wrong to take the view that today's economic development can dispense with the people and their opinions and responses.

3. So we should never underestimate the accumulative effect of whatever dispense with in our daily lives.

4. There's a certain category of summer fashion that can send any woman unable to dispense with a bra running for the hills.

dispense with 英英释义


1. dispense with在线翻译

1. forgo or do or go without

2. give up what is not strictly needed

    e.g. he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey

    Synonym: spare give up part with

3. do without or cease to hold or adhere to

    e.g. We are dispensing with formalities
           relinquish the old ideas

    Synonym: waive relinquish forgo forego foreswear
