名词方向障碍,迷惑; 失取向
1. 定向障碍:、昏迷(二)意识范围缩小为主的意识障碍:1、意识朦胧2、漫游性自动症(1)梦游症(2)昼游症(三)意识内容改变为主的意识障碍1、谵妄2、精神错乱3、梦样二、自我意识障碍1、人格解体2、双重人格3、交替人格 三、定向障碍(Disorientation)四、自知力(Ins
2. 定向力障碍:西尼罗脑炎的严重度从轻微的自身定向力障碍(disorientation)、至严重昏迷或死亡都可能发生. 在有神经系统侵犯疾病的病人中,约13%的病人,西尼罗病毒会感染脊神经的运动神经元,而造成和小儿麻痹病毒类似的急性不对称的急性无力性麻痹症候群.
3. 迷向:可读写光驱又称刻录机. 用于读取或存储大容量的多媒体信息. (4)探索式教学模式 探索式教学模式一般由以下几个环节组成:确定问题、创设教学情境、探索学习、反馈、学习效果评价. 制约因素主要有:漫游(Wandering)和迷向(Disorientation).
1. Rather than apologizing for his disorientation, the driver asked us to get out and take another cab.
2. The artist has created the scene of a male going to the toilet, creating in the public an embarrassment and a sexual disorientation for the female audience.
1. confusion (usually transient) about where you are and how to proceed
uncertainty as to direction
e.g. his disorientation was the result of inattention
2. a wild delusion (especially one induced by a hallucinogenic drug)
Synonym: freak out