
disordered [dɪsˈɔ:dəd]  [dɪsˈɔ:rdərd] 

disordered 基本解释


形容词混乱的; 杂乱的; 错乱的; 失调的

disordered 相关例句



1. His hair was disordered.

disordered 网络解释


1. 混乱的, 害了病的, 发狂的:brilliant fracture 亮断面 | disordered 混乱的, 害了病的, 发狂的 | civil aviator 民航飞行员

2. 不按顺序的,混乱的:Dis- 否定前缀 | Disordered 不按顺序的,混乱的 | Dis-order (顺序 命令)

3. 乱:久: of long duration; longstanding; lasting for a long time | 乱: disordered, confused, chaotic, reckless; social disorder | 乳: milk; breast, breasts

disordered 词典解释

1. 混乱的;杂乱的
    If you describe something as disordered, you mean it is untidy and is not neatly arranged.

    e.g. Moretti ran a hand through his disordered red hair.
    e.g. ...a disordered heap of mossy branches.

2. (精神)失调的,错乱的,不正常的,有病的
    Someone who is mentally disordered or who has a disordered mind is mentally ill.

    e.g. ...agencies working with mentally disordered offenders.
    e.g. ...events that crystallized into a conspiracy in one disordered mind.

disordered 单语例句

1. One criterion has been developed to change the store signboards with regard to the disordered state of stores along the streets.

2. This has suffered from disordered competition among small oil firms resulting in a waste of energy.

3. Another hindrance is the lingering stereotype that rock and roll stars are connected with drugs or otherwise disordered lives.

4. What is even worse is that the disordered situation is so messy that no one can tell who the rivals are among the unrest.

5. The lack of clear political and social relations in Yemen has made this country more disordered and trapped in endless unrest.

6. Experts say improper supply structures of commercial housing and disordered markets contribute to the rising prices.

7. He also blames the disordered cosmetics market, saying that there should be an organized institution to issue standards and regulations.

8. There are hundreds of players in China, but their operations are disordered and they are not competing at an international level.

9. disordered

9. I think Chinese films are now experiencing the hardest time to survive and develop in the current disordered market.

disordered 英英释义



1. lacking orderly continuity

    e.g. a confused set of instructions
           a confused dream about the end of the world
           disconnected fragments of a story
           scattered thoughts

    Synonym: confused disconnected disjointed garbled illogical scattered unconnected

2. not arranged in order

    Synonym: unordered

3. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion

    e.g. troops fleeing in broken ranks
           a confused mass of papers on the desk
           the small disordered room
           with everything so upset

    Synonym: broken confused upset
