
disharmony [dɪsˈhɑ:məni]  [dɪsˈhɑ:rməni] 

disharmony 基本解释

名词不和谐; 不调和

disharmony 反义词


disharmony 网络解释


1. 不调和:甚且,这些角色与情节更精彩地表现了对现实的讽喻以及理想的投射,并将PhilipThomson归纳之grotesque美学的特征如:不调和(disharmony)、喜惧参杂(comicandterrifying)、过度与夸张(extravaganceandexaggeration)、讽乐相间(satiricandplayful)等揉合起来完美呈现,

2. 不和谐:这种起激活作用的诱因总是表现为一种特定的刺激(Stimulus),这种引发脑中的不安状态并激起认知的需要,刺激使人进入认识的不和谐(Disharmony)状态. 认知的需要驱使人开始搜寻一种新的答案,它们将减少不安. 这种搜寻,不论进行多长时间,

3. 不和合性:discuss 优婆提舍 | disharmony 不和合性 | disposition 随眠

4. 不调和 不谐和:disharmonioushabitat 不调合生境 | disharmony 不调和 不谐和 | disharmonybetweenyingandwei 营卫不和

disharmony 词典解释

1. disharmony

1. 不协调;不和谐;不一致
    When there is disharmony, people disagree about important things and this causes an unpleasant atmosphere.

    e.g. ...racial disharmony.

disharmony 单语例句

1. Left unresolved this might then become the trigger for disharmony and destabilization.

2. TCM diagnosis consists of tracing symptoms to " patterns " of an underlying disharmony, mainly by palpitating the pulse and inspecting the tongue.

3. A TCM pattern for the case is called Disharmony of Stomach and Spleen.


4. While health is perceived as harmonious interaction of these entities and the outside world, disease is interpreted as a disharmony in the interaction.

5. My Chinese friends tell me that speaking your mind in front of others may cause disharmony to the group.

6. disharmony什么意思

6. A tortuous path threatened with disunity and disharmony is ahead of it.

7. Some critics thought this kind of shape is in disharmony with neighboring buildings.

8. disharmony的意思

8. If local governments don't handle mass incidents well, it may result in social disharmony.

9. Administrative orders and forced eviction will only create distrust, instability and disharmony.

10. It has been a long and winding road paved with 30 years of disharmony.

disharmony 英英释义


1. a lack of harmony

    Synonym: inharmoniousness
