
disgraceful [dɪsˈgreɪsfl]  [dɪsˈɡresfəl] 

disgraceful 基本解释


形容词可耻的,丢脸的; 不光彩的,不名誉的; 丑; 臭

disgraceful 相关例句



1. It's disgraceful to say so.

2. It was disgraceful to behave like that.

disgraceful 网络解释

1. 丢脸的:discrepancy犯错误 | disgraceful丢脸的 | disincline厌恶

2. 太丢脸了:- All the need to be loved can't be wrong - Mumble!|- # 需要爱不会错 - 曼波! | Disgraceful!|太丢脸了! | Who do they think they are?|他们算什么东西?

3. 不光彩:lecture sb.说教 | disgraceful 不光彩 | cow's opinion 对牛弹琴

disgraceful 词典解释

1. (行为、情形等)丢脸的,可耻的,不名誉的
    If you say that something such as behaviour or a situation is disgraceful, you disapprove of it strongly, and feel that the person or people responsible should be ashamed of it.

    e.g. It's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long...
    e.g. I complained about his disgraceful behaviour...

He felt that his brother had behaved disgracefully.
disgraceful 单语例句

1. disgraceful

1. An evangelical pastor insisted his plans to torch the Quran would go ahead after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the act as " disgraceful ".

2. " The content of the publications is disgraceful, " they declared.

3. McCain campaigned here six weeks ago, vowing that such a disaster would never again be handled in such a disgraceful way.

4. Austrian national TV commented that this was a disgraceful event in the US history and a dark period in US medical ethics.

5. Getting married is traditionally considered to be the most important event in a person's life - while divorce is regarded as disgraceful.

6. A pair of thieves prick their consciences and try to shake off their disgraceful profession.

7. It should be pointed out that some Western media sources have played a disgraceful role in the whole matter.

8. " Car owners should realize taking the subway is not a disgraceful thing, " he said.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. The director of the project said it was indeed a disgraceful record for the US.

10. Only that it gets even more disgraceful with the courts getting involved.
