1. That some otherwise insignificant discords have snowballed into damaging " mass incidents " is a warning sign the authorities cannot afford to neglect.
2. Ethnic and religious discords, and conflicting claims over territorial and maritime rights and interests remain serious.
3. I think relations between the two nations overall is in good shape but that does not necessarily mean there are no discords or problems.
4. The entrepreneurs'rigidity in having only their children as successors has kept away management professionals from their companies and even resulted in family discords.
5. discords
5. The governments of China and the United States should define new areas for cooperation and come up with effective ways to settle the discords.
6. ARATS and SEF launched their first meeting 15 years ago, negotiating on business issues while shelving political discords.
7. discords
7. These differences over the understanding of human rights have been one of the major discords between China and a number of Western countries.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. The bilateral relations still need care from Chinese and Japanese leaders as they are not free from discords.