


disconnection 基本解释



disconnection 网络解释


1. 断线:然而,行动随意网路复杂的网路环境使得封包遗失行为除了中间节点发生buffer overflow之情况,更具有像是因节点任意移动而导致链结断裂的断线(disconnection)情况,因无线传输媒介特性所引起的通道错误(channel error)以及区域性竞争问题所引起的MAC contention等,

2. 断开:disconnecting switch 隔离开关 | disconnection 断开 | discontinuous action 不连续动作

3. 截断:disconnecting trap 隔气弯管;存水隔气弯管 | disconnection 截断 | discontinue 中止

4. disconnection:disc; 断开

disconnection 词典解释

1. (煤气、水、电或电话的)切断
    The disconnection of a gas, water, or electricity supply, or of a telephone, is the act of disconnecting it so that it cannot be used.

    e.g. The rate of disconnections following non-payment of water charges is rising.
    e.g. ...the disconnection of his phone.

2. 分开;分离
    The disconnection of two things is the act or process of separating them so that they are no longer connected or linked in any way.

    e.g. He hopes for a gradual disconnection from the federation.

disconnection 单语例句

1. Consequently, there is disconnection between the consensuses reached and real policies or actions that follow.

2. How do you solve the disconnection between the things academic and the things practical?

3. Institutional reform has caused disconnection between their real industrial status as workers and their social status as farmers.

4. The disconnection was caused by breakdowns in two box transformers at a wind farm in Jiuquan.

5. During the talks they discussed matters about Sharon's proposal on unilateral disconnection with Palestine.

6. disconnection的意思

6. In the US, productivity deficiencies have led to a pattern of disconnection from global supply chains.

7. This disconnection between any obvious changes in physical demand for silver and the price of silver points the way to a speculative bubble.

disconnection 英英释义



1. the act of breaking a connection

    Synonym: disjunction

2. an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding)

    e.g. he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends
           there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy

    Synonym: gulf disconnect

3. state of being disconnected

    Synonym: disjunction disjuncture disconnectedness
