
disclosure [dɪsˈkləʊʒə(r)]  [dɪsˈkloʊʒə(r)] 



disclosure 基本解释

名词(发明等的)公开; 泄露,揭露; 开诚布公的话; 被公开的事情,被披露的秘闻

disclosure 相关例句



1. The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.

disclosure 网络解释


1. 信息披露:信 息披露(Disclosure),所谓信息披露就是用公开的方式,通过一定的传播媒介,用一定的格式,将公司财务状况和经营成果以及其他各种资料公布于 众. 信息披露是证券所有权市场化和信息需求社会化的必然结果.

2. 叛逆性骚扰:4.<<叛逆性骚扰>>(Disclosure)剧情本片改编自迈克尔克莱顿同名小说,是擅写科幻小说的克莱顿作品中为数不多的异类. 故事中汤姆是一家电脑公司制作部主管,并且即将成为副总裁. 正当他踌躇满志,准备大干一场时,老板却委任漂亮能干的美迪当副总裁,

disclosure 词典解释

1. 公开;透露;泄露;揭露
    Disclosure is the act of giving people new or secret information.

    e.g. ...insufficient disclosure of negative information about the company.
    e.g. ...unauthorised newspaper disclosures.

disclosure 单语例句

1. Feng suggested an act on government information disclosure be delivered so that taxpayers could oversee government expenditure.

2. It also vowed to make its information disclosure process more transparent while remaining cautious, as international speculators are watching the situation closely to find opportunities for profit.

3. The 2001 policy was created to satisfy requests for certified copies and to comply with state laws restricting disclosure of some birth details.

4. Local authorities have been criticized already for reacting too slowly to the chemical plant explosion and delaying disclosure to the public.

5. He withdrew several weeks ago following disclosure that a grand jury is investigating allegations of wrongdoing in the awarding of contracts in his state.

6. It contains only a brief reference to civil compensation payable to shareholders in cases of fraud in information disclosure.

7. Last Thursday, the CSRC introduced additional requirements for companies'information disclosure.

8. WikiLeaks has been under intense international scrutiny over its disclosure of a mountain of classified US cables that have embarrassed Washington and other governments.

9. disclosure是什么意思

9. But the adequacy of disclosure by smaller companies that do not employ major accounting firms to audit them is a concern.

10. She balked, saying disclosure rules already in place were carefully crafted and adequate to avoid any conflict.

disclosure 英英释义


1. disclosure

1. the speech act of making something evident

    Synonym: revelation revealing
