
discard [dɪsˈkɑ:d]  [dɪsˈkɑ:rd] 







discard 基本解释


及物动词丢弃,抛弃; 解雇; 出牌

名词被抛弃的人[物]; 丢弃,抛弃; 打出的牌; 打出的牌

不及物动词出无用的牌; 垫牌

discard 网络解释


1. 丢弃:当关闭的启动程序(initiatorofaclose)已经发送一关闭警告之后,它必须(MUST) 丢弃(discard)任何TLS报文直到它已经接收到从另一方来的警告. 它将停止发送TLS记录 协议(TLSRecordProtocol)PDUs,和随着收到警告,可以(MAY)发送和接收LDAPPDUs.

2. 抛弃:也就是说,如果你要回到Fully Optimized状态,就必须抛弃(Discard)比它更新的状态(Current State). 就是说,你一旦回到了Fully Optimized,就不能再进入Current State了. 同样,如果你回到Basic,就会连Fully Optimized一起抛弃.

3. 弃掉:同时所有任何手持多过 7 件产物的玩家,需要弃掉(discard)一半手持产物. 而拥有贼子的地域,在贼子离开并移至其他地域前,该地域一直也不会有产物出产. 要胜出卡坦岛,玩家必需有十分(Victory Points)才成. 每间在岛上建立的屋子和城市,

4. discard:discardprotocol; 取消协议

5. discard:(discard protocol 取消协议〖因特网〗

discard 词典解释

1. 丢弃;抛弃
    If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it.

    e.g. Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box.
    e.g. ...discarded cigarette butts.

discard 单语例句

1. discard是什么意思

1. Some customers reuse the candy as money when they return to the supermarket but most people eat it immediately or discard it.

2. Taiwan's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. The discard of the chemical weapons in China was one of the serious crimes the Japanese militarists committed during the War of Aggression against China.

4. The people here simply do not discard wrapping paper, bags or cigarette butts with the gay abandon seen elsewhere.

5. You will think more clearly if you discard some of the clutter that surrounds you.

6. However, this does not mean that China should discard the policy.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. We urge Congress to discard any plans for increased protectionism, and instead urge lawmakers to work towards fostering stronger global economic ties through free trade.

8. It is therefore imperative that leaders of all sects discard their hostility and rein in their subordinates from committing any excessive acts.

9. discard的翻译

9. Numan describes the new technologies in his songs that are able to change human regeneration, reduce diversified human feelings and discard social traditions.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. He says the company spent a lot of effort on the design of tea cans, to make them so beautiful people would not want to discard them.

discard 英英释义


1. getting rid something that is regarded as useless or undesirable

    Synonym: throwing away

2. (cards) the act of throwing out a useless card or of failing to follow suit

3. discard

3. anything that is cast aside or discarded


1. throw or cast away

    e.g. Put away your worries

    Synonym: fling toss toss out toss away chuck out cast aside dispose throw out cast out throw away cast away put away
