
disbelief [ˌdɪsbɪˈli:f]  [ˌdɪsbɪˈlif] 

disbelief 基本解释


disbelief 网络解释


1. 不相信:股民悲惨的八月从八月初的对7.29大跌的报复性反弹,到今天月末的毫无抵抗的惨跌,股民经历了典型的从否认(denial)到不相信(disbelief)到相信(belief)到恐惧(fear)的心态.

2. 怀疑:在十八世纪晚期和十九世纪早期的美国,必须在基督教各教派之间保持中立与在由所有信教(beliefs)、不信教(unbelief)及怀疑(disbelief)组成的信仰王国里保持完全中立之间进行选择的理由尚不充分.

3. 不信仰:无神论现代广义上来讲是否认(denial)神的存在或不相信有神论, 但是在西方狭义的语义里面也可以理解为不信仰(disbelief)耶和华上帝.另外在网上找到游戏手册的一张图, 一方面解释了为什么游戏制作者认为huns具有这种反宗教特性,

4. 不相信,不信任:disapproving 不同意的 | disbelief 不相信,不信任 | complete disbelief 完全的不信任

disbelief 词典解释

1. disbelief

1. 不相信;怀疑
    Disbelief is not believing that something is true or real.

    e.g. She looked at him in disbelief.

disbelief 单语例句

1. Talk of Cannes developing an environmental conscience mainly draws snorts of disbelief from cynical market execs.

2. Clijsters took her cap off and shook her head in disbelief in the changeover.

3. disbelief是什么意思

3. " It is with disbelief that we struggle to comprehend the events of yesterday, " the Ellsworth family said in a statement issued Saturday afternoon.

4. It is therefore worrisome to see Chinese analysts affecting disbelief and rationalizing as to why Americans and Japanese are still harboring the Cold War Mentality.

5. " It's less than a shilling, " he'd tell her in disbelief.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Newly released internal documents showed that Toyota officials visited with US regulators years ago who " laughed and rolled their eyes in disbelief " over safety claims.

7. Djokovic rubbed his eyes in disbelief as he was almost pulled apart by a player who had never won a tour match before this week.

8. Some local officials'tendency to manipulate statistical data has resulted in a degree of popular disbelief in government figures.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Arab commentators reacted with shock and disbelief on Monday over President Bush's robust backing of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld against calls for his resignation.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Arab commentators reacted with shock and disbelief over Bush's robust backing of Rumsfeld against calls for his resignation.

disbelief 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. doubt about the truth of something

    Synonym: incredulity skepticism mental rejection

2. a rejection of belief

    Synonym: unbelief
