
disarm [dɪsˈɑ:m]  [dɪsˈɑ:rm] 






disarm 基本解释

不及物动词解除武装; 裁军; 放下武器

及物动词解除武装; 使缴械; 使息怒; 缓和

disarm 同义词


动词paralyze demilitarize

disarm 反义词



disarm 相关例句



1. His smile disarmed us.

2. The police disarmed the criminals.

3. His friendliness disarmed all opposition.

4. The policeman disarmed the thief.


1. It is difficult to persuade them to disarm.

disarm 网络解释


1. 缴械:没有内置冷却, 但不会叠加, 所以和激烈狂怒一样, 随情况切换战术充分的发挥吧.专注思绪(Focused Mind)/等级20 等级2士气技能, 无距离 接下来10秒, 你将会移除及无视所有沉默, 缴械(Disarm), 定身(Root)及缓速效果,

2. 解除武装:镜像分身,单手大师,双手刀大师,神圣魔法毒物学(toxicology)躲藏(hide)潜行(sneak)背刺(backstab)致命一击(critical)偷窃(steal)暗杀(assassian)暗魔法,匕首大师,双手武器不死狂暴(revive)解除武装(disarm)铁甲化(iron_

3. 解除:继续前进,会有一群goblins(还有一只Mephit)挡路,门后就是 Great Wand Trap (x 560 y 1390桥上有陷阱,解除 (disarm)后通过,会遇到一名杀手被Duergar们围殴,玩家待久一点就会看到好笑的景象.

4. 放下武器:Operate = 运作 | Disarm = 放下武器 | Disable = 使失去能力、关摄像头

disarm 词典解释

1. disarm的意思

1. 缴…的械;解除…的武装
    To disarm a person or group means to take away all their weapons.

    e.g. We will agree to disarming troops and leaving their weapons at military positions.

2. 裁军;解除武装;裁减军备(尤指核武器)
    If a country or group disarms, it gives up the use of weapons, especially nuclear weapons.

    e.g. There has also been a suggestion that the forces in Lebanon should disarm...
    e.g. We're not ready to disarm ourselves in order to make it easier for them to kill us.

3. 消除(某人)的怒气(或不满、批评等)
    If a person or their behaviour disarms you, they cause you to feel less angry, hostile, or critical towards them.

    e.g. His unease disarmed her...
    e.g. She did her best to disarm her critics.

disarm 单语例句

1. Attorneys representing 273 black inmates filed a civil rights lawsuit alleging the sheriff's department failed to disarm Hispanic inmates.

2. disarm是什么意思

2. Abbas is under heavy international pressure to disarm militants, but is reluctant to do so for fear that would touch off civil war.

3. disarm的近义词

3. Only in this way can we disarm any crises that might come along and create a better future for the Party and the nation.

4. disarm在线翻译

4. Security Council vote last month in favor of resolution 1441, which demands that Iraq disarm or face a possible war.

5. disarm

5. Li's empathy for her characters can disarm even the most skeptical critic, saturated with literature based on or taking off from the " cultural revolution " years.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. Bush warned Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on Thursday that his " day of reckoning is coming, " saying there was little evidence he would disarm peacefully.

7. NATO leaders issued a united declaration of support on Thursday for efforts to disarm Iraq, papering over deep differences on the US threat to go to war.

8. Czech President Vaclav Havel said he would prefer that Iraq disarm without force.

9. Hezbollah's top official in south Lebanon hinted that the guerrillas would not disarm or withdraw but would keep its weapons out of sight.

10. He says a Palestinian failure to disarm militants behind suicide attacks is pushing him toward unilateral security steps.

disarm 英英释义


1. remove offensive capability from

    Synonym: demilitarize demilitarise

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. take away the weapons from
    render harmless

    Synonym: unarm

3. disarm

3. make less hostile
    win over

    e.g. Her charm disarmed the prosecution lawyer completely
