
disapproval [ˌdɪsəˈpru:vl]  [ˌdɪsəˈpruvəl] 

disapproval 基本解释

名词非难; 不赞同,反对

disapproval 相关例句



1. She shook her head in disapproval.

disapproval 网络解释

1. 不赞同:区分事实和意见不难做到:凡是含有赞同(approval)或不赞同(disapproval)等态度的部分就是意见表述,反之一般为事实陈述. 把握作者态度同样要关注作者表示意见的部分,根据其中表示意见的词汇判断态度的褒贬. 相关回复:

2. 不赞成:negative adj.否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的 | disapproval 不赞成 | objection 异议

3. 嗳:噫 = approval, belch | 嗳 = disapproval | 嗳 = regret

4. 不许可:disapprobation 不赞同 | disapproval 不许可 | disarrangement 无序

disapproval 词典解释

1. disapproval是什么意思

1. 不赞同;反对;不许可
    If you feel or show disapproval of something or someone, you feel or show that you do not approve of them.

    e.g. His action had been greeted with almost universal disapproval.
    e.g. ...a society that registered its disapproval of alcohol by banning it.

disapproval 单语例句

1. disapproval

1. The chorus of disapproval was led by director Gao Qunshu, who said he was told about the actor's marital arrangements by members of his crew.

2. Tuesday's rebuke was a rare resolution of disapproval pushed through by Democrats who insisted that Wilson had violated basic rules of decorum and civility.

3. As a matter of fact, much of the disapproval is targeted at a very subjective realm of ethics and aesthetics.

4. Many Chinese netizens expressed disapproval of the punishment meted out to Lu, saying a demotion was too lenient for the former general manager.

5. For this young generation, approval and disapproval are of little significance.

6. The old stories we have read often feature daughters and sons from feudal families who can no longer stand their parents'disapproval and who elope.

7. Beijing's mayor has expressed disapproval of outdoor advertisements that promote luxury and indulgence, saying they undermine the goal of maintaining harmony between the rich and the poor.

8. Nearly half of the public strongly disapproves of Bush, a huge jump from his 5 percent strong disapproval rating in 2002.

9. disapproval的翻译

9. The same poll said Aso's disapproval rating climbed to 41 percent ahead of elections that must be called by September 2009.

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10. Authorities have expressed disapproval of " vulgar " shows like " Super Girl, " and state media had reported the show might not gain approval this year.

disapproval 英英释义



1. the act of disapproving or condemning

2. disapproval的近义词

2. an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group

    Synonym: disfavor disfavour dislike

3. disapproval是什么意思

3. the expression of disapproval

4. disapproval的近义词

4. a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing
