dirt cheap

dirt cheap [də:t tʃi:p]  [dɚt tʃip] 

dirt cheap 基本解释
dirt cheap 网络解释

1. 特别便宜:dinner party 晚宴 | dirt cheap 特别便宜 | do one's best 尽某人最大的努力

2. 毫无价值的:dirt 污垢 | dirt-cheap 毫无价值的 | dirt-poor 非常穷困的

3. 非常便宜:The man directed his step to the small village. 那个人朝小村庄走去. | dirt cheap非常便宜: | Tomatoes are dirt cheap in summer. 夏天西红柿非常便宜.

4. 便宜透顶:What's the dirt? [俚]最近有什么新闻(指丑闻)? | yellow dirt [蔑]黄金 | dirt cheap 便宜透顶

dirt cheap 单语例句

1. The lives of ordinary Tibetans were always considered dirt cheap under the Dalai Lama's rule in old Tibet.

dirt cheap 英英释义

dirt cheap的解释


1. very cheap

    e.g. a dirt cheap property
