
directories [də'rektərɪs]  [də'rektərɪs] 


directories 基本解释
人名地址录, 号码簿( directory的名词复数 );目录;
directories 网络解释

1. 指南:一般来说,搜索Invisible Web可以从目录指南(directories)、具有检索功能的网站(searchable sites)、免费数据库(free Web databases),以及专用搜索引擎(specialized search engines)和优秀普通搜索引擎等四种途径入手,选择使用相应的检索工具.

2. 名录:电影贴片广告 cinema advertising | 名录 Directories | 8张招贴 eight-sheet posters

directories 单语例句

1. Computer hackers are able to steal websites'file directories by penetrating the website's internal server and tampering with it to cripple the website.

2. Interfax identified the two others as Andrew Fleming and Christopher Pirt, but they weren't in the directories.

3. A small screen shows the other party's video image, as well as directories and other data.

4. directories在线翻译

4. Who's Who guides are widely used as directories and networking tools, as well as memoirs for the hundreds of people featured inside.

5. directories是什么意思

5. We were shown to our table by one waitress, and then another handed us menus the size and thickness of telephone directories.

6. It is like looking for a telephone number not included in the Yellow Pages or 114 directories.

7. We introduced the first advertisement on the Internet in China, the first search directories and the concept of venture capital.

8. Both are listed in British Embassy directories provided to the media as working in the embassy's political section.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. For details of how to get to Lane Crawford, see the listing in our online directories.
