
din [dɪn]  [dɪn] 






din 基本解释



及物动词喧闹; 喋喋不休地说


din 相关例句



1. The shouts of the boys dinned (in) his ears.


1. The children were making such a din that I couldn't study.

2. What a din the children are making!

din 网络解释


1. 德国国家标准:未经ISO确认并公布的其他国际组织如:国际电信联盟(ITU)万国邮政联盟(UPU) 联合国粮农组织(UNFAO) 国际羊毛局(IWS) 国际焊接学会(IIW) 发达国家标准如:美国国家标准(ANSI) 德国国家标准(DIN)英国国家标准(BS)日本工业标准

2. 德国:本公司产品完全满足客户需要,可按中国(GB) 英国(BS) 德国(DIN) 国际(ISO)标准供货. 也可以按各种表面处理供货,如发黑、热处理、电镀、机械镀锌表面处理等. 产品广范应用于汽车标准件、重工机械、矿山设备、工程机械、发电设备等.

3. 德国工业标准:1.5.3 欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)标准2.6.2 欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)钢铁产品牌号的表示方法2.6.3 美国(SAE)钢铁产品牌号的表示方法2.6.6 德国工业标准(DIN)钢铁产品牌号的表示方法2.6.7 日本工业标准(JIS)钢铁产品牌号的表示方

4. din:deutsche industry norm; 德国工业标准

5. din:document identification number; 文档标识号

6. din:dissolved inorganic nitrogen; 无机氮

7. din:drug induced nephrotoxicity; 或肾毒性

din 词典解释

1. 喧闹声;喧嚣声;嘈杂声
    A din is a very loud and unpleasant noise that lasts for some time.

    e.g. They tried to make themselves heard over the din of the crowd.

din 单语例句

1. At night, the chirp of cicadas became a pleasant background din.

2. Predictably, the United States will continue creating a din over RMB exchange rates.

3. I was young and I din't think I can beat her.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Dusk was setting in on this tourist city and the din of the office goers returning home drowned the peacefulness of the lake.

5. Din said the government aimed to build two comprehensive platforms that would solve the financing and investing problems of private companies.

6. din是什么意思

6. For the first time, house owners will be fined if the din from interior decoration severely disturbs neighbours.

7. Another unexpected place to enjoy Chinese mitten crab is Din Tai Fung, the Taiwan eatery famous for its steamed stuffed buns.

8. The more experienced Italian obtained the second place by 2 to 1 and the bronze medal went to Del Din.

9. But the important task is to maintain that progress towards sustainable development, irrespective of the din created by the West.

10. The chief editor of Salah Ad Din was threatened twice and later moved his family to Baghdad for safety.

din 英英释义


1. din的解释

1. the act of making a noisy disturbance

    Synonym: commotion ruction ruckus rumpus tumult

2. din的反义词

2. a loud harsh or strident noise

    Synonym: blare blaring cacophony clamor


1. instill (into a person) by constant repetition

    e.g. he dinned the lessons into his students

2. make a resonant sound, like artillery

    e.g. His deep voice boomed through the hall

    Synonym: boom
