
dimming ['dɪmɪŋ]  ['dɪmɪŋ] 









dimming 基本解释
减低亮度,变暗;变暗淡( dim的现在分词 );变模糊;减弱;变淡漠;
dimming 网络解释


1. 調暗:LED驱动IC能够提供以开关方式调暗(dimming)技术,但如何避免调暗时所发出的噪音干扰?一般不赞成使用线性方式,因为LED与波长λ有关,LED的λ会受到通过电流的影响,因此,以switch on/off控制,将burst mode分散掉,并且同样频率下,

2. 变暗:在调光模式中,开关频率线性增加,灯电流则减小,灯光则变暗(dimming). R14、R15、R18与R19和R14、R16、R17与R19分别组成灯检测电路. 只要施加到脚4(Ldet)上的电压低于2V,IC2则关断其输出,Q2和Q3随之停止开关.

3. 调光:它也支援浮动负载降式、浮动负载降/升式、以及升式转换器拓扑,其充裕的高弹性让产品能配合不同的电压需求. 而辅助电力调整器可透过单一电源为芯片供电,16位元调光(dimming)功能则可满足需要高解析度调光功能的产品.

4. (前照灯)换入近光:dimmer (前照灯)变光开关 | dimming (前照灯)换入近光 | dinge (车身)小凹陷或擦痕

dimming 单语例句

1. After losing crucial matches with Jordan and Iraq and only a narrow win against Singapore, the World Cup dream for the men's soccer team is dimming.

2. And an unexpected disruption in China's trade growth would only add to domestic economic woes while dimming the global trade growth prospect.

3. He said he doesn't worry about the dimming of the Olympics effect after August, saying that the company will execute an aggressive expansion strategy this year.

4. dimming的近义词

4. Its " dusk simulation " function was designed to help you fall asleep by gradually dimming light and sound.

5. The China Charity Federation launched a project at the end of last month for children with amblyopia or dimming vision.

6. The China Charity Federation launched a project yesterday for children with amblyopia or dimming vision.

7. There's a dimming effect over the atmosphere of every major city in the world today due to pollution.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. But cultural manifestations are indeed one aspect of history that is dimming in China, and that means considerable loss of drama and art forms.

9. Spot lighting and indirect lighting as well as dimming functions can achieve a warmer atmosphere in living rooms.

10. The announcement came amid dimming prospects for a new global climate change pact at next month's UN conference in Copenhagen.
