
dimity ['dɪmɪtɪ]  ['dɪmətɪ] 

dimity 基本解释


dimity 网络解释


1. 凸纹条格细平布:dimity stripe 绉条细布 | dimity 凸纹条格细平布 | dimmer coil 减光线圈

2. 条纹布:dimissory 使离去的 | dimity 条纹布 | dimly 微暗

3. 粗斜纹布:6552 单丝筛绢 single silk banderole | 6554 粗斜纹布 Dimity | 6555 夏布罗纹 grass cloth ribbing

4. 凸花条纹布:dimissory 准许离去的 | dimity 凸花条纹布 | dimmer 调光器

dimity 双语例句

1. The new US treasury secretary Dimity Guidner latest said that all countries needed a commitment to open trade policies which were essential to economic growth and prosperity.
    美国新财长Dimity Guidner最近说,所有的国家都需要承诺开放的贸易政策,这对经济的增长和繁荣是十分重要的。


2. She could afford to be loyal to Dimity and say nice things about her, for Alex Fontaine had never been one of her own beaux.


3. With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs I`ll buy myself a new dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I go to market, won`t all the young men come up and speak to me!

4. Now she could look back down the long years and see herself in green flowered dimity, standing in the sunshine at Tara, thrilled by the young horseman with his blond hair shining like a silver helmet.

5. She wears a straw bonnet, wit white ribbons on it, And dimity petticoats over her knee.


6. I do n't mind facing mother but I'm da & I mean I do n't intend for dimity Munroe to see my toes sticking out.

7. " What he means is & has dimity married some brave colonel in the home guard? "


8. Development of pure cotton weft knitted cool dimity fabrics


9. Design of Polyester Knitted Dimity Imitations


10. " What he means is & has dimity married some brave colonel in the home guard?"

dimity 英英释义


1. a strong cotton fabric with a raised pattern
    used for bedcovers and curtains
