1. Most cafes or restaurants add ice cubes into the hot tea to cool it down, but the melting ice dilutes the drink and affects the taste.
2. The lack of employment opportunity after graduation also dilutes the sense of joy of having successfully entered university after the harsh national entrance examinations.
3. dilutes的翻译
3. Authorities say ammonium nitrate dilutes easily in water and that at worst the spilled containers could cause an algal bloom.
4. dilutes是什么意思
4. This dilutes gastric juices in the stomach, weakening its ability in killing harmful micro bacteria.
5. danci.911cha.com
5. With each, the ice melts and dilutes the coffee to an appropriate drinking strength.
6. danci.911chaxun.com
6. The current management environment increases sellers'management costs and dilutes profits of distributors, he says.
7. dilutes的意思
7. The central bank's loose money policy dilutes the crisis and adds to inflationary pressures.