
digs [dɪgz] [diɡz] 






digs 基本解释



动词挖,掘( dig的第三人称单数 ); (如用铲、锨或推土机等)挖掘; 挖得; 寻找

digs 网络解释

1. 寓所:digressively 脱节地 | digs 寓所 | digynia 二雌蕊植物

2. 冰城:dign 冰壶 | digs 冰城 | digw 冰场

3. 这是指一个人的居住的地方:to toss something, 就是把东西扔掉的意思. | digs. 这是指一个人的居住的地方 | under the weather身体有点不舒服

4. digs:digital inertial guidance system; 数字惯性制导系统

digs 单语例句

1. digs

1. He took playful digs at his frequent use of a teleprompter and Vice President Joe Biden's knack for speaking off the cuff.

2. digs的近义词

2. Zheng Qiyang squats and carefully digs up a red cylindrical item with small holes.

3. Xie digs deep into his Chinese roots and fuses it with Western rock.

4. A jealous singer digs up and publicizes the rising star's secrets at a big performance, causing the heroine to fall off the stage.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Archaeologists have been probing the depths of the Eternal City at 38 digs, many of which are near famous monuments or on key thoroughfares.

6. Distressed at the deteriorating conditions of his village, an ordinary farmer digs deep into the family's savings to spread concern for the environment.

7. digs的解释

7. Jennifer Aniston looks on the bright side of life, snuggling up with a new dog on the balcony of her digs in Los Angeles.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The Oscars'new home is smaller than last year's digs, leaving more people who wanted to attend the Academy Awards ceremony without seats this year.

9. But more often than not he investigates cases and digs out the suspects before the train reaches its destination.

10. digs的解释

10. There was some concern that the spacious new digs might disturb the sense of intimacy, but fear not.

digs 英英释义



1. digs

1. temporary living quarters

    Synonym: diggings domiciliation lodgings pad

2. an excavation for ore or precious stones or for archaeology

    Synonym: diggings
