
digger [ˈdɪgə(r)]  [ˈdɪɡɚ] 


digger 基本解释

名词挖掘机; 挖掘者; 有挖掘习性的动物; 家伙

digger 网络解释


1. 挖掘机:将其放入挖掘机(Digger)旁的控制台(Compartment),启动挖掘机,打通通道,来到神殿. 把水晶球放在雕像手中,得到气之封印(Air's Eal Piece),回船使用驾驶石,结束了气域的旅程.

2. 挖掘者:挖掘者(Digger)是一个类似挖金子的益智小游戏. 操作十分简单,按方向键就可以开始挖钻石了. 但要小心钱袋掉下来把你砸死!:-) 试一试你在规定的时间里能到第几关呢?要手疾眼快啊!

3. 挖掘者 挖掘机:diffuser 漫射体;(扬声器)纸盆;扩散器 | digger挖掘者 挖掘机 | digital clock数字钟

4. 掘凿器挖掘机械:digester 蒸煮锅 | digger 掘凿器挖掘机械 | digging bucket 挖土铲斗

digger 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 挖掘机;挖掘器
    A digger is a machine that is used for digging.

    e.g. ...a mechanical digger.

digger 单语例句

1. A machine digger worked on the riverbed of the Yihe in the Longmen Grottoes Scenic Zone on February 19.

2. Quinlan said she had made auction bids on several toy sets and assumed she had bought a toy digger.

3. " And wealthy men may find themselves a gold digger rather than true love, " she added.

4. digger的近义词

4. After its mechanical digger project is put into production, its annual output value is estimated to exceed 15 billion yuan.

5. digger

5. After the digger carried them away and left them at the canyons beside the road, he and his colleagues used their hands to remove debris.

digger 英英释义



1. a machine for excavating

    Synonym: power shovel excavator shovel

2. a laborer who digs
