dig in

dig in [diɡ in]  [dɪɡ ɪn] 

dig in 基本解释

挖地埋入; 挖战壕或类似的工事; 全力以赴地做起来; (使)确立牢固的地位

dig in 相关例句


1. You'd better dig in at once.

2. We should dig those young trees in a bit deeper.

dig in 网络解释

1. 掘土以参进(肥料等):dig down 挖下去;掘倒 | dig in 掘土以参进(肥料等) | dig out 掘出;挖掉

2. 挖地:Death grip 握杆僵硬(过度用力握住球杆) | Dig in 挖地 | Digging 杆头击中地面

3. 掘土以掺进:dig down 挖下 | dig in 掘土以掺进 | dig into 钻研

4. 掘进;插入;钻头切入岩层:dig a pit 挖池 | dig in 掘进;插入;钻头切入岩层 | dig 挖掘;出土物;刺戳;掘

dig in 词典解释
dig in

1. dig in是什么意思

1. 翻土掺进;把…混入(土里)
    If you dig a substance in, or dig it into the soil, you mix it into the soil by digging.

    e.g. I usually dig in a small barrow load of compost in late summer...
    e.g. To dig calcium into the soil, he warned, does not help the plant.

2. (士兵)挖掩体隐蔽,掘壕防守
    When soldiers dig in or dig themselves in, they dig trenches and prepare themselves for an attack by the enemy.

    e.g. The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in...
    e.g. The enemy must be digging themselves in now ready for the attack...

3. (面临失败、困境等时)固执己见,坚定立场,坚持不懈
    If you say that someone is digging in, you mean that they are not changing their mind or weakening their efforts, although they may be losing a contest or facing difficult problems.

    e.g. A yawning North-South gulf has opened up with both sides digging in.

4. 开始大吃;开始尽情吃
    If someone digs in, or digs into some food, they start eating eagerly. If you tell someone to dig in, you are inviting them to start eating, and encouraging them to eat as much as they want.

    e.g. 'Listen,' said Daisy, digging into her oatmeal...
    e.g. Pull up a chair and dig in!

dig in 单语例句

1. dig in

1. Go ahead, dig in and savor the creamy rich cheesecake flavor in this dreamy mousse.

2. dig in在线翻译

2. We dig wells more than 100 meters into the earth for clean drinking water, but we cannot plant our crops 100 meters down or in the air.

3. One doesn't have to dig too deep to see the similarities with modern China, basking in the confidence of a growing economic and political clout.

4. She told me that some polluting factories dig deep holes in their backyards and discharge wastewater into them without any proper treatment.

5. Boys and girls as young as 10 dig for diamonds in illegal mines in Koidu to pay for their own schooling.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. " We'll dig deep into their stories, " Medavoy said in an interview.

7. But when Li returned to dig up the cash on May 20, he was left speechless and in tears after discovering his savings had literally rotted away.

8. If you are not living in mortal fear of rape and beatings at home, you can organize your community to dig a new well.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. Those who want to get dirty could sit through a short class on how to use tools before they dig in a specific area.

10. Workers in Japan frequently dig up unexploded bombs from US attacks or arms hidden by the Japanese during the closing days of World War II.

dig in 英英释义


1. dig in的解释

1. eat heartily

    e.g. The food was placed on the table and the children pitched in

    Synonym: pitch in

2. occupy a trench or secured area

    e.g. The troops dug in for the night

    Synonym: entrench
