diesel oil

diesel oil [ˈdi:zəl ɔil]  [ˈdizəl ɔɪl] 

diesel oil 基本解释


diesel oil 网络解释

1. 柴油:有效成分 本制剂的主要成分是柴油(diesel oil)和哒螨灵(pyridaben). 有效成分 本制剂又称灭净菊酯,其有效成分为10%克螨特(propargite)和10%氰戊菊酯(fenvalerate). 有效成分 本制剂的有效成分分为单甲脒(danjiami)和氰戊菊酯(fanvalerate).

2. 轻柴油:Diesel fuel 柴油 | Diesel oil 轻柴油 | diesel smoke 柴油排烟

3. 柴油,轻柴油:1038 舱面泵 deck pump | 1039 柴油,轻柴油 diesel oil | 1040 排出管 discharge pipe

4. 柴油 石油名词:development well 开发井 石油名词 | diesel oil 柴油 石油名词 | directional well 定向井 石油名词

5. diesel-oil:do; 柴油

diesel oil 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Ceiling retail prices of diesel and gasoline are set by the NDRC, but the wholesale prices are decided by oil companies Sinopec and PetroChina themselves.

2. The two men said they lit diesel oil to try to keep out the cold weather.

3. The country last year processed 285 million tons of crude oil into oil products such as gasoline and diesel.

4. diesel oil

4. China's crude oil prices have already been linked to the global market but the government still regulates the gasoline and diesel prices.

5. China has started reforms to gradually deregulate refined oil prices but prices of gasoline and diesel are still regulated.

6. China's Ministry of Commerce has ordered already strained oil producers to increase output of diesel to meet heightened farm demand during spring planting.

7. diesel oil的解释

7. The most recent hike in domestic oil prices came on March 19, when both gasoline and diesel prices were raised by 600 yuan per ton.

8. diesel oil

8. The rising oil price squeezed refining profits as it outpaced gains for processed fuels such as gasoline and diesel.

9. China's net exports of diesel rose to the highest level in 18 months in September, as the nation raised its daily oil processing to a record high.

10. Some of its oil refineries have also cut output for processing of petrol and industrial chemicals to make room for increased diesel production.

diesel oil 英英释义


1. diesel oil的解释

1. a heavy mineral oil used as fuel in diesel engines

    Synonym: diesel fuel
