die hard

die hard [dai hɑrd]  [daɪ hɑː(r)d] 

die hard 基本解释

动词难改掉; 难消减; 顽固到底; 根深蒂固

die hard 网络解释

die hard的意思

1. 终极警探:主演:梅尔.吉布森饰演里格斯,丹尼.格罗弗(Danny Glover)饰演罗杰.莫塔<<虎胆龙威>>(又名<<终极警探>>)(Die Hard)系列 这部系列电影让我们又认识了一位孤胆英雄纽约警察约翰.麦卡伦(John Mclane),也成就了又一位好莱坞硬汉:布鲁斯.威利斯(Bruce Willis).

2. 冥顽不灵:die with one's boots on 死在工作岗位上 | die-hard 冥顽不灵 | dilly-dally 吊儿浪当

3. 顽固分子:体育彩票sports lotteries | 顽固分子die-hard | 完好货币sound currency

die hard 单语例句

1. die hard的翻译

1. The " Die Hard " actor has a home in nearby Hailey.

2. It has been 12 years since the actor appeared in a Die Hard film.

3. Bruce Willis is already considering making another Die Hard film, just weeks before the third sequel hits cinemas.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. This market devotes itself to fans of China's neighbor to the north, especially the die hard vodka lovers.

5. Since habits die hard, some sort of campaign to form eating habits is necessary.

6. Mini implants of fat tissue have been tried, but they often get reabsorbed by the body or die and turn hard and lumpy.

7. die hard在线翻译

7. The easiest thing to say was the dog would die or we could say let's give her a good hard go.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. But old habits of Yankee chauvinism die hard, so it is once again up to its old tricks of threats and military blackmail.

9. Bruce Willis filed a defamation lawsuit Monday against a paparazzi photographer who accused the " Die Hard " actor of attacking him outside a restaurant.

die hard 英英释义



1. continue to exist

    e.g. These stories die hard
           The legend of Elvis endures

    Synonym: prevail persist run endure
