
dexterity [dekˈsterəti]  [dɛkˈstɛrɪti] 

dexterity 基本解释


名词灵巧; 敏捷; 熟练; 聪敏

dexterity 相关例句


1. Does he have enough dexterity to cope with a job like that?

2. He played the piano with dexterity.

dexterity 网络解释

1. 敏捷:他最近刚完成了与肖恩.潘、凯特.温斯莱特合作的电影<<当代奸雄>>重拍版本的拍摄. 现在他又马不停蹄地加入电影<<破门而入>>剧组,在片中他将与法国女星朱丽叶.比诺什演对手戏. 接着,他还将出任<<敏捷>>(Dexterity)一片的男主角.

2. 灵巧:仲德大致明白了,原来这个世界的人能力是被量化的,每个人都有力量(Strength)灵巧(Dexterity)智力(Intelligence)魅力(Charisma)四项基本属性,这四项基本属性影响到了体质,速度,反应,领悟力,能量等多项子属性.

3. 灵敏:首先在三版中有两个名词改变了,mage现在叫wizard,thief叫rogue(一般翻译成游荡者) 1.基本属性 三版和二版规则采用的属性都是一样的,六项:力量(strength)、灵敏(dexterity)、体质(constitution)、智力(intelligence)、知觉(wisdom)以

4. 敏捷度:增加:力量(Strength),敏捷度(Dexterity),智慧(Intelligence) 武器学能让你知道所有护甲及武器的价值,同时也能让你检视物品目前的状态,损耗程度及所需最小力量值等.

dexterity 词典解释

1. (双手的)灵巧;(思维的)敏捷
    Dexterity is skill in using your hands, or sometimes your mind.

    e.g. ...Reid's dexterity on the guitar.
    e.g. ...the wit and verbal dexterity of the script.

dexterity 单语例句

1. Lee combined dexterity with a virility that busted the hoary stigmas of the Asian male.

2. dexterity的意思

2. But despite their knowledge and dexterity they do not enjoy high social status.

3. He and the writers he has selected represent an independent voice that tackles some of the thorny issues with both integrity and dexterity.

4. The Zhongnanhai Park Tour Competition on Saturday featured stunts that dazzled spectators as athletes showed their dexterity for a good cause.

5. Not all enthusiasts emphasize skill and dexterity like Guan and his urban peers.

6. In that poverty stricken era, women were admired for their physical toughness and mental dexterity.

7. dexterity是什么意思

7. The dance transported audiences to an alternative universe where musical emotion takes form through dexterity and technical prowess.

8. He deflects direct questions with practiced dexterity and even erupts in rare displays of anger when pressed too hard.

9. The Chinese yoyo can be used by people of all ages and in fact can boost one's health and dexterity.

10. Our filmmakers can tell Chinese stories more effectively by broadening our realm of narrative dexterity and incorporating the much tested and extremely successful Hollywood techniques.

dexterity 英英释义


1. adroitness in using the hands

    Synonym: manual dexterity sleight
