
devious [ˈdi:viəs]  [ˈdiviəs] 

devious 基本解释


形容词不正当; 迂回的,曲折的; 不光明正大的,不正直的; 不坦诚的,狡猾的

devious 相关例句



1. He got rich by devious means.

2. Let's take the devious route home to avoid the crowds in the main roads.

devious 网络解释

1. 偏离正道的:detrimental 有害的 | devious 偏离正道的 | dishonorable 不光彩的

2. 不正直,有偏差的:deviate 离题,逸出正轨 | devious 不正直,有偏差的 | devote 奉献

3. 绕来绕去的,迂回曲折的:11. courtier 朝臣 | 12. devious 绕来绕去的,迂回曲折的 | 13. Sacrament 圣礼,圣事/餐

4. 迂回的:irrefutable 不可辩驳的 | devious 迂回的 | infiltrate 渗透

devious 词典解释

1. devious

1. 奸诈的;阴险的;狡猾的
    If you describe someone as devious you do not like them because you think they are are dishonest and like to keep things secret, often in a complicated way.

    e.g. Newman was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private...
    e.g. By devious means she tracked down the other woman.

...the deviousness of drug traffickers.

2. devious什么意思

2. (路线或道路)曲折的,迂回的
    A devious route or path to a place involves many changes in direction, rather than being as straight and direct as possible.

    e.g. He followed a devious route.

devious 单语例句

1. devious的近义词

1. The production focuses on the devious wife of King Macbeth, the classic Shakespearean villain.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Zuckerberg's February 5 appearance on " Saturday Night Live " added grist to criticism that his portrayal as a devious misfit was unfair.

3. The devious hidden motives of the Western media became apparent when they were eager to link the events in Tibet to the 2008 Olympics.

4. Being aware of the fact that they would not be able to contain China, they have resorted to devious means to weaken it.

5. Hundreds of mainland bloggers have described Chen as a " devious imposter stealing the throne in the king's absence ".

6. Being too secretive or devious in social situations could cause arguments and hard feelings.

7. You could end up losing a close friend by being too exploitive and devious.

8. That has led to the awakening of devious desires of individuals to seize the opportunity to play with the emotions of single men and women.

9. Brown is the devious British spy bent on revenge against the colonists after he was tarred and feathered.

devious 英英释义



1. deviating from a straight course

    e.g. a scenic but devious route
           a long and circuitous journey by train and boat
           a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic

    Synonym: circuitous roundabout

2. devious的反义词

2. indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way

    e.g. used devious means to achieve success
           gave oblique answers to direct questions
           oblique political maneuvers

    Synonym: oblique

3. characterized by insincerity or deceit

    e.g. a devious character
           shifty eyes

    Synonym: shifty
