
detritus [dɪˈtraɪtəs]  [dɪˈtraɪtəs] 

detritus 基本解释

名词碎石; 瓦砾; (侵蚀形成的)岩屑; 风化物

detritus 网络解释

1. 碎屑:与水浊度有关之悬浮物质包括:(1)矿物质微粒,源自海岸侵蚀,(2)碎屑(detritus)为颗粒性有机物质,源自动植物物质之分解产物,如纤维素、半纤维素,与几丁质,(3)悬浮之微生物.

2. 碎屑;腐屑:detoxification 解毒 | detritus 碎屑;腐屑 | detritylation 脱(除)三苯甲基

3. 岩屑:detrition 磨损 | detritus 岩屑 | developed field 开拓了的矿床

4. 碎岩:detrimental resistance 抗损害能力 | detritus 碎岩 | detum 数据

detritus 词典解释

1. detritus的近义词

1. 残余物;狼藉
    Detritus is the small pieces of rubbish that remain after an event has finished or when something has been used.

    e.g. ...the detritus of war.

detritus 单语例句

1. Piles of bricks and broken cement competed for space with rubbish and other artifacts, all the detritus of society.

detritus 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. loose material (stone fragments and silt etc) that is worn away from rocks

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up

    Synonym: debris dust junk rubble
