
detached [dɪˈtætʃt]  [dɪˈtætʃt] 





detached 基本解释

形容词超然的; 分离的,分开的; 公平的; 分遣的,派遣的

动词派遣; 分开(detach的过去式和过去分词); 分离,退出

detached 同义词



detached 反义词

形容词selfish biased

detached 相关例句


1. A judge must be detached when weighing evidence.

detached 网络解释

1. 游离:}结语当然,这一节操纵对象操作,在NHibernate中涉及了对象的状态,对象对一个特定的ISession来说,有三种状态分别是:瞬时(transient)对象、持久化(persistent)对象、游离(detached)对象.

2. 独立的:他们大都住在一幢幢独立的(detached)二层小楼里,很多还带有自己花园和车库. 房子周围则是小河潺潺,树木葱葱,绿草茵茵. 舒适,宁静令人神往. 我在英国主要在曼彻斯特的三所中学教书. 祖国强大了,再也不是以前英国人眼里的东亚病夫了.

detached 词典解释

1. 超然的;冷漠的;不带感情的
    Someone who is detached is not personally involved in something or has no emotional interest in it.

    e.g. He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails...
    e.g. It is written in a detached, precise style.

2. (房屋)独立式的,分开的
    A detached house is one that is not joined to any other house.

detached 单语例句

1. detached

1. Any attempt to open the sample will be detected if the plastic collar clinging to the cap is found detached.

2. Umbilical cord blood is collected from the placenta and umbilical cord after the cord has been detached from a newborn.

3. detached是什么意思

3. Does that mean the Chinese economy is detached from the US economy?

4. Yao's passionate explosion could be seen as a positive development for a player many have criticized for playing " soft " and emotionally detached.

5. While police initially reported Rice was hiding in a detached garage behind the home, they said on Thursday he was hiding in a courtyard.

6. She experienced hardship in childhood and aimed to live a detached life from the society after high middle school graduation.

7. But rather than being detached from the local community, an increasing number of expats are finding satisfaction from helping others through volunteer organizations.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Wang Xiaojun lost her sight 36 years ago during an earthquake when she was knocked into a tree and detached her retinas.

9. detached的意思

9. There are also a few other buildings detached from the main building that are also designed in a similar style.

10. detached的近义词

10. The papery shell should still be soft and pliable, and the fruit should be dry and easily detached.
