
despicable [dɪˈspɪkəbl]  [ˈdɛspɪkəbəl, dɪˈspɪkə-] 

despicable 基本解释



despicable 相关例句



1. It is despicable to desert your children.

despicable 网络解释

1. 可鄙,卑劣的:desolate 荒凉,荒芜的 | despicable 可鄙,卑劣的 | despise 轻视,蔑视

2. 可鄙的:bleak#荒凉的 | despicable#可鄙的 | chaste#贞洁的;高尚的

3. 卑鄙下流:What a beastly girl.|真讨人厌的女孩 | Despicable.|卑鄙下流 | You don't know what we're talking about.|你知不知道我们在说啥?

4. 可鄙的,卑劣的:desirable 称心的,合意的,理想的 | desirous 渴望的 | despicable 可鄙的,卑劣的

despicable 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 可鄙的;卑鄙的
    If you say that a person or action is despicable, you are emphasizing that they are extremely nasty, cruel, or evil.

    e.g. The Minister said the bombing was a despicable crime.

despicable 单语例句

1. despicable什么意思

1. He said it is merely a despicable act for the island to criticise the motherland in such a poor excuse.

2. despicable

2. The entire Chinese nation all voiced condemnation of the despicable act of the Japanese government.

3. Certain Japanese media outlets even resorted to the despicable act of making up stories to create the impression that other countries supported Japan's position.

4. These despicable acts were not only an indignity to the victims, but an indignity to civilized society and the US administration in particular.

5. I strongly condemn the attack on Chinese embassies abroad and this is definitely a cowardly and despicable act.

6. Malik described forced marriages as " despicable " and contrary to Pakistan and Islamic law.

7. If proved, it will be a despicable show of cowardice and desperation.

8. The spokesman described the reports as naive and despicable and the Japanese media would pay a dear price for their actions.


9. Bush, said the White House's treatment of Snow had been " despicable ".

10. Lowering our guard against food safety violators and showing mercy to such despicable acts would make it impossible to uproot tainted food producers.

despicable 英英释义


1. morally reprehensible

    e.g. would do something as despicable as murder
           ugly crimes
           the vile development of slavery appalled them
           a slimy little liar

    Synonym: ugly vile slimy unworthy worthless wretched
