
derogatory [dɪˈrɒgətri]  [dɪˈrɑ:gətɔ:ri] 

derogatory 基本解释


形容词贬义的; 贬低的

derogatory 网络解释

1. 贬义:在过去,它并不具有侮辱性,只是在二战后它开始变成贬义(derogatory). 在很多二战题材的影视作品中常可以听到这个字眼儿. 今天它被认为是民族侮辱语(ethnic slur),类似汉语'小日本'和'日本鬼子';但在不同的英语国家其侮辱性(offensive)的严重程度有所不同.

2. 贬损的:derogatorily 减损地 | derogatory 贬损的 | derrick 起重机

3. 不敬的,诽谤的:derogate 贬低,诽谤 | derogatory 不敬的,诽谤的 | desalinize 除去盐份

4. 贬义的:derogi 贬低 derogate | deroga 贬义的 derogatory | descendi 下降 descend

derogatory 词典解释

1. derogatory的意思

1. 贬低的;贬损的
    If you make a derogatory remark or comment about someone or something, you express your low opinion of them.

    e.g. He refused to withdraw derogatory remarks made about his boss.

derogatory 单语例句

1. The old Chinese word for " actor " is xizi, which is derogatory.

2. derogatory的近义词

2. He posted messages on Bruges'supporters internet forums inciting the club's supporters to bring banners inscribed with derogatory inscriptions about his rivals to their matches.

3. derogatory的解释

3. We've seen many candidates ruin their job prospects by making derogatory remarks about their current or previous employers and experiences.

4. The message also makes derogatory comments about Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who has contended the June 12 vote was rigged.

5. The league said in a statement on Monday that Noah had used " a derogatory and offensive term from the bench during the first quarter ".

6. The newspaper reported Johnson also used derogatory language in a reply to a follower on Twitter and to a reporter.

7. derogatory

7. Local media said the worker angered the DPRK by making derogatory comments about its political system.

8. This leads to the common phenomenon that culture is always the most vulnerable to intentional or unintentional derogatory treatment.

9. An online discussion on why " Chinese mom " has become a derogatory term has recently attracted wide attention in cyber space.

10. Ma said the commission's 2010 annual report on China paints an unfair and derogatory picture of China.

derogatory 英英释义


1. derogatory的翻译

1. expressive of low opinion

    e.g. derogatory comments
           disparaging remarks about the new house

    Synonym: derogative disparaging
