名词皮肤科; 皮肤病(学)
1. 皮肤病学:内容简介:皮肤性病学(dermatovenereology)包括皮肤病学(dermatology)和性病学(venereology),皮肤病学是研究皮肤及附属器和各种与之相关疾病的科学,其内容包括正常皮肤及附属器的结构与功能、各种皮肤及附属器疾病的病因、发病机制、临床表现、诊断方法、治疗及预防.
2. 皮肤医学:研究发表於BMC皮肤医学(Dermatology)期刊中. 研究学者追踪分析近期几个和乐器有关的皮肤问题后,发现这种皮肤问题不仅发生於专业音乐家,甚至广泛存在於各年龄层或技巧纯熟度的乐器演奏者.
3. 皮肤科学:@@ 皮肤科学(dermatology)是临床医学领域的一门重要学科,随着医学科学和相关基础学科的不断进步,皮肤科学在基础研究和临床诊疗中发生着日新月异的变化.新的概念和理论取代旧的观点和看法;新的发现和认识使学科不断丰富和提高;
1. dermatology
1. Henry Lim, chairman of dermatology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit and an academy vice president.
2. There is an unrecognized epidemic of skin cancer underway in the United States, the American Academy of Dermatology warns.
3. The president of the hospital is Yin Zhiyu, former director of dermatology department at Beijing Anzhen Hospital.
4. danci.911cha.com
4. The next step will be to use the dressing in a hospital environment at the University of Regensburg's dermatology clinic.
1. the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases