1. 皮肤病学家:内分泌学家(endocrinologist)研究激素及其调节;泌尿学家(urologist)研究生殖系统的疾病;妇科医师(gynecologist)和产科医师(obstetrician)研究女性生殖功能与失调;皮肤病学家(dermatologist)尤其关注通过性活动传播的疾病(这是因为通
2. 皮肤科医生:physician: 内科医生 | dermatologist: 皮肤科医生 | intern: 实习医生
3. 皮肤科医师:vet兽医 | dermatologist皮肤科医师 | pharmacist药剂师
4. 皮肤科:253521 血管外科医生 Vascular surgeon | 253911 皮肤科 Dermatologist | 253912 急诊医学专科医生 Emergency medicine specialist
1. 皮肤科医师
A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of skin and the treatment of skin diseases.
1. Rox Anderson, a Harvard Medical School dermatologist and tattoo removal expert.
2. dermatologist的近义词
2. Michael Jackson's former dermatologist has claimed that the late singer viewed his appearance as " a piece of art ".
3. In the meantime, a US dermatologist has been handing out The Skinnies Awards for Hollywood's worst complexions.
4. Nancy Thomas, a dermatologist at the University of North Carolina who led the UV research.
5. The dermatologist found their symptoms were very similar to an allergic reaction to cosmetics.
1. a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin
Synonym: skin doctor