
deride [dɪˈraɪd]  [dɪˈraɪd] 






deride 基本解释


及物动词嘲弄; 嘲笑,愚弄

deride 相关例句


1. They derided his efforts as childish.

deride 网络解释

1. 嘲笑:小山羊站在房顶上,看见一直狼从底下经过. 平常羊都是很害怕狼的,今天却开始嘲笑(deride)狼,谩骂狼.

2. 嘲笑,嘲弄:derelict 被弃的 | deride 嘲笑,嘲弄 | descend 降

3. 嘲弄:derequisition 解除接管 | deride 嘲弄 | deridingly 嘲笑地

4. 讥笑:doctors are often ridiculed in the plays . 医生们常在戏剧里被愚弄. | 17、 deride--讥笑 | they all derided his foolishness . 他们都讥笑他的愚笨.

deride 词典解释

1. 嘲弄;嘲笑;侮蔑
    If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value.

    e.g. Opposition MPs derided the Government's response to the crisis...
    e.g. This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists.

deride 单语例句

1. Critics of my column may deride me for " making a fuss over a trivial incident ", for such cases are still rare on China's campuses.

2. A group of friends in a bar could deride something based on hearsay, without getting the facts right - then they would move on to the next topic.

3. deride的意思

3. Her notice has caused a stir among netizens, some of whom refuse to sit in judgment and others who deride her as materialistic.

4. deride的意思

4. Critics of the war on bad eating habits often deride it as a game for the rich and Michelle Obama.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Critics deride Johnson as a bumbling buffoon but experts say he gives the Conservatives a real shot at unseating Livingstone.

6. Phrases in the beheading image deride the Chinese people, the student group letter said.

7. Democrats who normally deride Bush as an inarticulate buffoon now hail him as the finest public speaker since Demosthenes.

deride 英英释义


1. deride

1. treat or speak of with contempt

    e.g. He derided his student's attempt to solve the biggest problem in mathematics
