
derailed [dɪ'reɪld]  [dɪ'reɪld] 






derailed 基本解释
出轨( derail的过去式和过去分词 );使出轨,使脱轨;
derailed 网络解释

1. 越轨追击:<<越轨追击>>(Derailed)未分级[DVDRip]科班出身的瑞典导演迈克尔哈夫斯托姆执导了他的第一部美国影片,现年45岁的迈克尔曾在斯德哥尔摩大学和纽约视觉艺术学院学学习电影创作,29岁时他在瑞典开始拍摄,2002年,

2. 绝地威龙:在过去的18个月里,安妮斯顿共拍了四部影片,其中,<<绝地威龙>>(Derailed)和<<流言蜚语>>(RumorHasIt)已于去年底在北美公映,而<<亡命煞星>>(Thebreakup)和<<金钱朋友>>(F rie n d s w ith m on e y)将在今年上映.

3. 玩火:成了炙手可热的年轻女演员,接著又在[极光追杀令](Dark City)等电影中演出小角色,最后才在[辣妹抢银行]、[穆荷兰大道](Mulholland Drive)、[爱情趴趴走](Down With Love)、[阴宅](The Amityville Horror)、[玩火](Derailed)、[欢迎来到杀人胜

4. 出軌:但是,狐骚味是生在人家身上的,色心是长在老公体内的,可怜的主妇们都无法去左右;不过,现在她们的机会来了:<<出轨>>(Derailed)的故事,完群是家庭主妇们的救星,看其中心猿意马的丈夫如何因为一时的旖念而引发连番不幸惨遇,

derailed 单语例句

1. The duo's career was derailed when Butler was jailed for three years in 2002 on gun charges.

2. The derailed train was hit by train 5034 and the latter veered off its tracks, too.

3. The train was on its way from Calcutta to Chennai when it derailed.

4. Xinhua reporters saw rescuers using cutting equipment to open an entrance in order to get into one of the derailed carriage.

5. derailed的近义词

5. Officials and experts predicted turning the vague consensus forged in September into a charter for action would be painstaking and could be easily derailed.

6. But if China acts too decisively to choke off inflows, useful investments could also be derailed and growth could suffer.

7. China Construction won initial approval to float its shares last June but the plan was derailed by the slumping market conditions then.


8. The supervisory board derailed that strategy last month with the decision against further support for the Japanese affiliate.

9. A software glitch discovered a week ago nearly derailed the vote, but was fixed at the last minute.

10. It was a task he admits to Harry that he resented, because it derailed the bright future he had been looking forward to.
