
depositary [dɪ'pɒzɪtərɪ]  [dɪ'pɒzəˌterɪ] 

depositary 基本解释

名词保管人; 受托人; 受托公司; 存放处

depositary 网络解释


1. 保管人:Scott这一定义实质是性质列举,而且只相当于描述了下面所述信托的两个本质特征中的一个--信托关系,容易与代理(agent)、监护(guardian)、遗嘱执行人(executor)、官选遗产管理人(administrator)、破产管理人(assignee)、保管人(depositary)等制度混淆.

2. 保管人(保管合同):保管凭证 deposit receipt | 保管人(保管合同) depositary | 保管人(仓储合同) warehouseman

3. 受托人;仓库:deposit-free无沉积物 | depositary受托人;仓库 | depositedfilm沉积膜

4. 受托人:depositary 保管人 | depositary 受托人 | deposite attack 沉淀腐蚀

depositary 单语例句

1. The listing of the company's Hong Kong Depositary Receipts on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by way of introduction was approved on Wednesday.

2. depositary的近义词

2. SSE Chairman Geng Liang said in March that overseas companies could list on the new board through initial public offerings or China Depositary Receipts.

3. PetroChina is listed in Hong Kong and has American Depositary Receipts that trade in New York.

4. depositary

4. Hong Kong introduced depositary receipts in 2008 to widen listings to include foreign companies that are prohibited from registering common shares overseas.

5. GDRs are negotiable certificates issued by depositary banks that represent ownership of a given number of a company's shares.

6. They can issue initial public offerings or depositary receipts traded in Chinese securities markets, according to the CSRC.

7. Under Taiwan's rules, companies with primary listings overseas can only sell depositary receipts on the island.

8. The improved offer is extended to stock held in the form of global depositary shares.

9. depositary

9. Trading of the depositary receipts may start on Dec 1, it said.

10. Companies will be listed through initial public offerings and not depositary receipts.

depositary 英英释义



1. a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping

    Synonym: depository deposit repository
