
depletion [dɪ'pli:ʃn]  [dɪˈpliʃən] 

depletion 基本解释


名词消耗,用尽; 耗减

depletion 网络解释


1. 消耗:然而由于编制体系的缺陷,传统的GDP指标不能如实全面地反映人类社会经济活动对自然资源的消耗(depletion)和环境品质的降级(degradation),这样往往会导致经济发展陷入高耗能、高污染和高浪费的粗放型发展误区,

2. 折耗:外的权利金(Royalty)大体相似或接近,其征收方法也是国市场经济国家计入成本的折耗(Depletion)相对应. 权利金(Royalty)归州政府所有,印地安部落所在地的矿产

3. 耗尽型:当时还没有增强型(Enhancement)的NMOS管,Wanlass不得不使用耗尽型(depletion)的器件,通过将器件偏置到关断状态来实现电路. CMOS的静态电流要比等效的双极型(Bipolar)和PMOS型的逻辑门低6个数量级,这个结果简直是疯狂的. 1963年6月18日,

depletion 单语例句

1. Nothing can make me worry about the depletion of marine life, or life on land for that matter.

2. The manufacture of such compounds is being phased out by the Montreal Protocol as they contribute to ozone depletion.

3. China can no longer afford to seek growth without considering the cost to the environment, the depletion of resources and the development potential for future generations.

4. The cost of resources depletion and environmental degradation was hefty, and the global scouting of resources led to international suspicion.

5. It faces a difficult position due to water pollution and fishery resources depletion.

6. It is not the depletion of the labour pool that engineered the current shortage, rather it was caused by the stagnant wage level migrant workers receive.

7. It is also limited by political willpower as not every member nation will be prepared to see a significant depletion of their reserves.

8. This argument forgets that it was excessive expenditure that drove unsustainable resource depletion in the first place.


9. Liu attributed the increase in crime to " the influence of broken families, the depletion of school education and incomplete social management ".

10. The report said the world's global environmental " footprint " or depletion rate now exceeds the planet's capacity to regenerate by 30 percent.

depletion 英英释义



1. the act of decreasing something markedly

2. the state of being depleted
