
dependent [dɪˈpendənt]  [dɪˈpɛndənt] 



dependent 基本解释


形容词依赖的; 依靠的; 取决于…的; 有瘾的

名词受抚养人; 受赡养者; 依赖他人者; 扈从,侍从

dependent 同义词

形容词hanging subordinate hanging down pendent dependant

dependent 反义词



dependent 相关例句



1. I'll never be dependent on anyone again.

2. Success is dependent on your efforts and ability.

3. She is completely dependent on her daughter for money.

4. All effects are dependent on their causes.

dependent 网络解释

1. 依靠的:因为我们是受造的,是有限的,是需要依靠的(dependent). 如果像电影所描述的,末日是人观测、计算出来的,那人多少还有主权,所以最后也没有毁灭,我们自己救了自己. 地球毁了,但是毁灭的情况却仍然掌握在人手中,我们全然知晓火山、地震在哪里、具体情况如何.

2. 家属:22、合法居留人员的家属(Dependent)符合上述合法居住身份(不含第1、2和18居住身份)的人员的配偶或未婚的幼年子女. 居留期为3年、1年、6个月或3个月. 23、个别人员由日本法务大臣特别批准入境的个别外国人. 居留期由日本司法部长确定.

dependent 词典解释

1. 依靠的;依赖的
    To be dependent on something or someone means to need them in order to succeed or be able to survive.

    e.g. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction...
    e.g. Up to two million people there are dependent on food aid...
           那里有多达 200 万人口依靠食品援助。

2. 取决(于…)的;有赖(于…)的
    If one thing is dependent on another, the first thing will be affected or determined by the second.

    e.g. The results you get from weight training are largely dependent upon how you use those weights and what type of exercise programme you follow.
    e.g. The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay.

3. see also: dependant

dependent 单语例句

1. " Every single stump speech began and ended with speaking about fair trade, " Schuler said of his campaign in a North Carolina district heavily dependent on textiles.

2. Is it China's fault that we are on a fiscally unsustained path, critically dependent on capital inflow to keep the economy going?

3. dependent的意思

3. Neither Firefox or Chrome rely on IE's Trident rendering engine, whereas most indigenous browsers in China are dependent on it.

4. Both countries are heavily dependent on foreign energy and are strongly pursuing outward investment to secure additional energy sources.

5. " Airline companies and travel agencies are coexistent and dependent on each other, " Chung said.

6. China's development has not been dependent on wars, colonization or exploitation.

7. They are keen international travellers, media savvy and dependent on the Internet for shopping and communication.

8. The prospect of a worsening job market is worrisome to Wall Street, since many companies dependent on consumer demand have been hurting.

9. dependent

9. This unseemly new spirit in fact creates a system that continues to convey the message that women are vulnerable and dependent.

10. Most of us have forgotten how to cook a pot of rice from scratch, so dependent are we are on the easy magic of the electric rice cooker.

dependent 英英释义


1. dependent

1. a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)

    Synonym: dependant


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. addicted to a drug

    Synonym: dependant drug-addicted hooked strung-out

2. contingent on something else

    Synonym: dependant qualified

3. dependent的意思

3. relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed

    e.g. dependent children
           dependent on moisture

4. (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence

    e.g. a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence

    Synonym: subordinate

5. being under the power or sovereignty of another or others

    e.g. subject peoples
           a dependent prince

    Synonym: subject

6. dependent的翻译

6. held from above

    e.g. a pendant bunch of grapes

    Synonym: pendent pendant
