
dependency [dɪˈpendənsi]  [dɪˈpendənsi] 


dependency 基本解释

名词属国,属地; 从属,从属物

dependency 相关例句


1. Her unconscious looks wandered to her husband with infantile dependency.

2. Her plot to turn this country into a dependency of Spain was unpopular.

3. It is very hard to get rid of his dependency on the drug.

4. What are the dependencies?

dependency 网络解释


1. 依赖项:对于 每个 源文件, 预处理器 输出 一个 make 规则, 该规则的 目标项 (target) 是 源文件 对应的 目标文件名, 依赖项 (dependency) 是 源文件中'#include 引用的 所有文件.

2. 依存:他不是靠复杂的硬体机制来完成的,特别是管线的部份虽然单就效率来看,硬体管线彷佛较优,也比力有说服力但要知道,帕特森的管线已达三阶,这是1个很是复杂的布局,遑论管线依存(dependency)与互锁(interlock)的问题RS/6000的指令集扩大到180个,

3. 相依性:考题当然就是针对前述所提及的定义部分,以及图形语法部分,而图形语法,考最多的大概就是这些类别之间的关连(association), 还有多重性(Multiplicity), 相依性(Dependency) 等部分,尤其许多考题,是直接就出自於这些类别术语解释最后面的范例(Examples)部分.

dependency 词典解释

1. 附属国;附属地;托管地
    A dependency is a country which is controlled by another country.

    e.g. ...the tiny British dependency of Montserrat in the eastern Caribbean.

2. (尤指过分或不利的)依靠,依赖
    You talk about someone's dependency when they have a deep emotional, physical, or financial need for a particular person or thing, especially one that you consider excessive or undesirable.

    e.g. We worried about his dependency on his mother...
    e.g. Ukraine is handicapped by its near-total dependency on Russian oil.

3. (对酒精、毒品等的)依赖,瘾,癖
    If you talk about alcohol dependency or chemical dependency, you are referring to a situation where someone is an alcoholic or is addicted to drugs.

    e.g. In 1985, he began to show signs of alcohol and drug dependency...
    e.g. In 1979 she quit her teaching job because her dependency had affected her work.
           她于1979 年辞去了教书一职,因为她的瘾症已经影响到了工作。

dependency 单语例句

1. dependency的解释

1. The aim of the worldwide event is to protest against the dependency on oil and the car culture.

2. Shale gas could thus reduce dependency on OPEC oil and gas while reducing carbon emission.

3. dependency的反义词

3. Some people argue that the change from high to low birth rate has lowered the child dependency ratio.

4. dependency在线翻译

4. Japan's checkbook diplomacy is aimed at increasing the dependency of Pacific Island nations on its largesse.

5. Even more important than having a second source is maintaining own competence in order to avoid a dependency from system suppliers.

6. She said Dow Corning is planning to elevate local employees, reduce its dependency on expatriates and will eventually have a local CEO.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. It added the nation will also step up efforts to develop substitute energy to cut its dependency on oil.

8. dependency的意思

8. " The key is to eliminate their psychological dependency on drugs, " Yang said.

9. Barack Obama lectured automakers on their home turf for investing in bigger, faster cars while dependency on oil is jeopardizing US security and the global environment.

10. Kan has said that Japan will scrap an earlier plan to boost nuclear dependency to half of Japan's energy needs by 2030.

dependency 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. a geographical area politically controlled by a distant country

    Synonym: colony

2. the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else

    Synonym: dependence dependance

3. being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)

    Synonym: addiction dependence dependance habituation
