
democrats ['deməkræts]  ['deməkræts] 


democrats 基本解释
民主主义者,民主人士( democrat的名词复数 );
democrats 网络解释


1. 民主党:另外一件大事就是昨天,这里的昨天是星期二,他们叫 Super Tuesday,美国两大执政党选出了新的领导人:共和党(Republican)新总统是 John McCain (对不起啊,不太会念他的名字,因此不知道他的中文音译......) 民主党(Democrats)新总统是希拉里(Hillary Rodham Clinton),

2. 党:在这段期间,有两大党派争夺国家的最高统治权:一个是由杰克逊(AndrewJackson)总统率领的*党(Democrats),一个是由肯塔基州参议员克莱(HenryClay)带领的辉格党(Whigs).

3. 民主主义者:democratize 使民主化 | democrats 民主主义者 | demodemocrats 民主党员

4. 民主党员/民主主义者:democratize /(使)民主化/ | democrats /民主党员/民主主义者/ | demodifier /恢复项/

democrats 单语例句

1. democrats

1. The longtime Republican district fell to the Democrats Saturday when wealthy scientist and businessman Bill Foster snatched the seat in a closely watched special election.

2. Bolton's 2005 recess appointment came after Democrats blocked repeated attempts by GOP leaders to grant him Senate confirmation.

3. The plan was received warmly by House Democrats who share oversight of the issue.

4. But that conviction did not sway Democrats, who insisted Kerry was still in contention for Ohio's decisive cache of 20 electoral votes.

5. Democrats in Congress and civil liberties groups were critical of the administration's actions while Republicans voiced support.

6. Protesters later called the entire election into question, with opposition Democrats saying their party had won the poll.

7. democrats的解释

7. That's frustrated Democrats, who for the better part of the year have been calling for a pullout plan.

8. democrats

8. The McCain campaign has defended the calls, saying the association between Ayers and Obama raises question about the Democrats'judgment.

9. His latest comments gave Democrats an opportunity to suggest that McCain cannot relate to ordinary voters.

10. Cantor's comments signaled the change in political realities since the 2008 election which gave Democrats control of the White House and both houses of Congress.
