
delight [dɪˈlaɪt]  [dɪˈlaɪt] 







delight 基本解释


名词快乐,高兴; 使人高兴的东西或人



delight 同义词

动词enthral ravish enrapture enjoy please enchant

名词pleasure joy

delight 反义词


名词sorrow sadness grief

delight 相关例句



1. I'm delighted that you are back.

2. The clown delighted the audience.

3. We were delighted to read your novel.


1. Movies give delight to millions of people.

2. He enjoyed the delights of New York's night life.

delight 网络解释

1. 高兴:15 A 前后照应逻辑推理 办事员看了他的票后,不是表现出高兴(delight),耐心(patience)和尊敬(respect),而是惊讶(astonishment)因为后文提到他的票已过期了,他却要找那架已飞走的飞机.

2. 快乐:唯心主义者曾经生活得很快乐(delight),他用他的那颗敏感的心感受到了细微的不曾为人察觉的幸福. 一切的幸福到头来都会转变为不幸,很快地,唯心主义者不再快乐了,他那颗心同样感受到了那细微的不为人察觉的痛苦. 于是,

3. (神秘):我会努力地忘记你的 就像我爱你一样 忘记你所有的一切神秘(DELIGHT) 词曲:KANGTA版主可以寄CD来的吗?我买的所有都是被选过的歌曲,好多都没有听过,真是很感谢你让我看见了好多好多我没有听过的歌(I am going to craze)好想听,

delight 词典解释

1. 高兴;愉快;快乐
    Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure.

    e.g. Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight...
    e.g. Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby...

2. (以…)为乐;喜欢;爱好
    If someone takes delight or takes a delight in something, they get a lot of pleasure from it.

    e.g. Haig took obvious delight in proving his critics wrong...
    e.g. I enjoy seeing your parents take such a delight in the boys.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 令人高兴的人(或物);乐事;乐趣
    You can refer to someone or something that gives you great pleasure or enjoyment as a delight .

    e.g. Isn't she a delight?...
    e.g. The aircraft was a delight to fly...

4. 使高兴;使愉快;使快乐
    If something delights you, it gives you a lot of pleasure.

    e.g. She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world...
    e.g. The report has delighted environmentalists.

5. (以…)为乐;喜欢;爱好
    If you delight in something, you get a lot of pleasure from it.

    e.g. Generations of adults and children have delighted in the story...
    e.g. He delighted in sharing his love of birds with children.

delight 单语例句

1. Adding to their delight they ended the US unbeaten home streak stretching back to their last defeat to Canada at the 1932 Lake Placid Games.

2. But its delight in playing the name game reflects the capricious and opportunist nature of the current Manila administration.

3. " Gongxi facai, " and the small crowd clap their approval with delight.


4. To his team's delight, the cranes looked comfortable and calm - a positive sign to conceive.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. He also translated the hero's residence as House of Green Delight, instead of Happy Red Court as its Chinese name literally suggests.

6. The contrast in textures of the soft and creamy tofu and its crisp outer " skin " makes it such a delight in the mouth.

7. It was a mysterious stone associated with affluence and prosperity, a precious jewel that could channel luck through potent veins of green delight.

8. delight的解释

8. To Liu's delight, the Asian market didn't disappoint him.

9. But the sheer delight of staying somewhere so lush in its simplicity and experiencing the best of Japanese hospitality is worth every penny.

10. Locals who hadn't thought a thing of seeing two foreigners on a scooter now howled with delight at the site of three.

delight 英英释义


1. something or someone that provides a source of happiness

    e.g. a joy to behold
           the pleasure of his company
           the new car is a delight

    Synonym: joy pleasure

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction

    e.g. his delight to see her was obvious to all

    Synonym: delectation


1. take delight in

    e.g. he delights in his granddaughter

    Synonym: enjoy revel

2. give pleasure to or be pleasing to

    e.g. These colors please the senses
           a pleasing sensation

    Synonym: please

3. hold spellbound

    Synonym: enchant enrapture transport enthrall ravish enthral
