1. 缺失:你提到的 染色体构造异常 : 缺失(deletion)、重复(duplication)重复(duplication)是 细胞分裂,基因复制的时候偶尔会产生的小差错... 有点像会计师看错帐目自己都说的不知道在说什麼, 反正, 不只是Huntington's Disease,
2. 删去:若插入(insertion)或删去(deletion)一个碱基,就会使这以后的读码发生错误,这称移码(frame-shift). 由于移码引起的突变称为移码突变(frame-shift2、一般情况下密码是不重叠(non-overlapping)的:即每三个碱基编码一个氨基酸,
3. 缺失突变:具有 WT-1 缺失突变(deletion)的小鼠不会形成产生性腺的中胚层,因此表示它可能是SRY 的上游而非下游基因. 具有 46,XY 核型,以及体染色体遗传短指发育不良(campomelic dysplasia)合并性别倒错的个体同时会产生大范围的骨骼异常.
1. Technological adjustments of addition, deletion or moving the original pictures are not allowed.
2. deletion在线翻译
2. They seldom ask for compensation and seldom resort to court with complicated procedures for a simple deletion of an article.
3. When finding their articles are plagiarized, most copyright owners usually demand deletion of their works and ask for apologies.
4. Wu hailed the deletion of the compulsory regulation as socially progressive and a significant step forward for human rights.
5. deletion的解释
5. Beijing Cultural Law Enforcement Agency has punished 24 websites and demanded the deletion of 209 links to illegal content.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. The profit chain of paid post deletion has exposed the existence and prevalence of Internet corruption.
7. But the deletion of two key points from the second draft has created a fresh controversy.
8. " I suggested the deletion of this guideline too but they didn't do it, " Wang said.
1. the act of deleting something written or printed
2. the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage
e.g. an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors
both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause
3. (genetics) the loss or absence of one or more nucleotides from a chromosome
4. deletion的翻译
4. any process whereby sounds or words are left out of spoken words or phrases
Synonym: omission