1. 授权:(4)授权(Delegating) 充分授予职工以执行职务所必要的决策权. (5)与雇员的关系(Employee Relations) ①为了解职工需要什幺和关心什幺,有效地确立并坚持定期交流. ②确切掌握职工的工作积极性及事业的发展,并向上级汇报.
2. 委托:我可以将Person中[与电话号码相关]的函数委托(delegating)至 TelephoneNumber,从而完全隐藏这个新class;也可以直接将对用户曝光. 我还可以将它暴露给部分用户(位于同一个package中的用户),而不暴露给其他用户. 如果我选择暴露新class吗,
3. 委托他人:Leadershipqualities领导品质/225 | Delegating委托他人/225 | Headofdepartment部门负责人/226
1. Iraqi officials also have said the terrorist group is now delegating more authority to sympathetic cells in other countries.
2. danci.911cha.com
2. If delegating a specific amount of time for fitness is extremely hard for you, focus on the small stuff.
1. authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions
Synonym: delegation relegating relegation deputation