1. 延迟线:规则高精度的应用或是时间很短的场合,必需使用延迟线(delay line)的制品. 延迟线组件的延迟时间大多固定,长延迟的场合可以考虑使用单音多谐振动器(Mono Multi-vibrator)或是时计(Timer)IC. 以往大多使用数字时计器,
2. 延时线:delay line 延迟线延时线 | delay line 延时线 | delay network 延迟网络
3. 延迟线延时线:delay line 延迟线 | delay line 延迟线延时线 | delay line 延时线
4. 迟延线:迟延都卜勒映像 delay Doppler mapping | 迟延线 delay line | 迟延讯号 delay signal
1. delay line的近义词
1. The decision was in line with market expectations as most experts forecast the central bank would delay its rate normalization process amid remaining external uncertainties.
1. a circuit designed to introduce a calculated delay into the transmission of a signal