
degenerate [dɪˈdʒenəreɪt]  [dɪ'dʒenəreɪt] 







degenerate 基本解释

形容词退化的; 堕落的; 变质的; 变性的

及物动词使退化; 恶化; 使变质; 衰减

不及物动词退化; 堕落

名词堕落的人; 腐化的人; 精神变态者; 退化的动物

degenerate 反义词

不及物动词evolve develop

degenerate 相关例句


1. He didn't let riches and luxury make him degenerate.


1. Her health degenerates rapidly.

2. Young people of today are not degenerating.

3. His health degenerates rapidly.

degenerate 网络解释

1. 简并的:美国科学家最近以实验证明,半导体材料中简并的(degenerate)激子(exitons)可以被局限在一个区域内,使科学家距离在半导体中实现BEC的目标越来越近了. 当一群粒子的物质波波长(de Broglie wavelength)接近粒子彼此的间距时,

2. 退化的:线性函数(linear function(零映射),(负映射),(矩阵的和),(负矩阵),(线性映射的标量乘积),(矩阵的标量乘积),(矩阵的乘积),(零因子),(标量矩阵(scalar matrix)),(矩阵的多项式(退化的(degenerate)方阵),(非退化的(non-degenerate)方阵),

3. 简并:有的氨基酸有多个密码子,这种现象称为简并(degenerate),如UUU和UUC都是苯丙氨酸的密码子,UCU、UCC、UCA、UCG、AGU和AGC都是丝氨酸的密码子,同一氨基酸的不同密码子称为同义词(synonyms).

degenerate 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /dɪ'dʒenəreɪt/. The adjective and noun are pronounced /dɪ'dʒenərət/. 动词读作 /dɪ'dʒenəreɪt/。形容词和名词读作 /dɪ'dʒenərət/。

1. 恶化;变糟;衰退;堕落
    If you say that someone or something degenerates, you mean that they become worse in some way, for example weaker, lower in quality, or more dangerous.

    e.g. Inactivity can make your joints stiff, and the bones may begin to degenerate...
    e.g. From then on the whole tone of the campaign began to degenerate.

...various forms of physical and mental degeneration.
...the degeneration of our political system.

2. 堕落的;腐化的
    If you describe a person or their behaviour as degenerate, you disapprove of them because you think they have low standards of behaviour or morality.

    e.g. ...a group of degenerate computer hackers.
    e.g. ...the degenerate attitudes he found among some of his fellow officers.

3. 堕落的人;腐化的人
    If you refer to someone as a degenerate, you disapprove of them because you think they have low standards of behaviour or morality.

degenerate 单语例句

1. A handful of Party members are " corrupt and degenerate, " CPC leaders warned at a meeting of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau.

2. Or else, we will degenerate into a society of sick people.

3. degenerate什么意思

3. Children beggars under their manipulation will quite likely degenerate into criminals in the future and their lives will be ruined.

4. We fear Mother Earth will degenerate into a similarly uninhabitable sphere if we keep ravaging her.

5. It is well known that a large number of corrupt government officials usually degenerate because of their private lives.

6. Many people fear the situation will degenerate into that of a stagflation.

7. degenerate的翻译

7. He said it is important that the crisis does not degenerate further.

8. Scientists around the world are trying to understand the mechanisms that cause motor neurons to degenerate in ALS.

9. Washing feet could also degenerate into an inane ritual if the school rigidly enforces such an assignment.

10. When everyone and everything evolves around a chair with absolute power, mediocrity tends to fester into a state where everyone involved will degenerate.

degenerate 英英释义



1. a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior

    Synonym: pervert deviant deviate


1. grow worse

    e.g. Her condition deteriorated
           Conditions in the slums degenerated
           The discussion devolved into a shouting match

    Synonym: devolve deteriorate drop


1. unrestrained by convention or morality

    e.g. Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
           deplorably dissipated and degraded
           riotous living
           fast women

    Synonym: debauched degraded dissipated dissolute libertine profligate riotous fast
