
definitely [ˈdefɪnətli]  [ˈdefɪnətli] 

比较级:more definitely

最高级:most definitely

definitely 基本解释


副词明确地; 确切地; 一定地; 肯定地


definitely 相关例句


1. The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.

2. He is definitely coming.

3. I can't tell you definitely when I will come.

4. I cannot say definitely until I see Hunt.

definitely 情景对话


A:Flowers. Now that's romantic.

B:They're plastic and will never die. They're supposed to be a symbol of endless love.

A:The two of you were definitely made for each other. Thank God, my match-making work is over...Now it's your turn.


A:Do you have Don's number?

definitely 网络解释

1. 明確:据迈阿密先驱报报道,近日骇客马里昂在谈到自己的未来时第一次明确(definitely)表示自己想留在热火,他表示他将与自己的经济人丹-费根在今年夏天与热火讨论此事,不过从目前的情况看,热火很难有足够的空间留下骇客,按照合同规定,

2. 确定的:英语文章有两种类型:确定的和不确定的. 我们可以确定的(definitely)告诉您,浏览本节将会让您无止境(indefinitely)的掌握英语.

3. 明确地:(2)随着函数成员调用地正常完成,作为输出参数传递的每变量,被视为在该执行路径(execution path)内被赋值;(4)在函数成员正常返回前,函数成员的每个输出参数都必须被明确地(definitely)赋值;(5)在结构类型(struct type)的实例构建器内,

4. 一定:在今年的LinuxCON大会上,MarkShuttleworth力排众议,力挺Linux桌面,他当众表示:我们一定(definitely)不放弃(giveup)桌面. 在即将发布的Ubuntu9.10版本中,展现在用户面前的登录大屏幕(Splashscreen)一定会把你迷倒,简直就是一副精美的电子艺术品.

definitely 词典解释

1. 清楚地;明显地;肯定地;当然
    You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinion.

    e.g. I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people...
    e.g. Something should definitely be done about that...

2. 明确地;确定地
    If something has been definitely decided, the decision will not be changed.

    e.g. He told them that no venue had yet been definitely decided.

definitely 单语例句

1. definitely在线翻译

1. Though not yet back to their normal level, business is definitely getting better.

2. definitely在线翻译

2. Jackson is in a relationship with Lakers executive Jeanie Buss, who said last week Jackson definitely will coach somewhere next year.

3. definitely的反义词

3. The attention to details is apparent and Shiny has definitely done nothing by halves.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. But definitely I think it's good news that we have an Asian candidature.


5. Since China enjoys an enhanced reputation worldwide it should definitely be more active on the international stage.

6. " But we can't say large capital inflows are definitely hot money, " the official said.

7. Care for the common people should definitely underpin the continued growth of CPC membership.

8. I have heard a lot of good comments about their big sushi rolls and they definitely sounded like something I simply must try.

9. The location is definitely unique and even Spear still finds it a neat place to carve up a turkey.

10. Bin Laden's death is definitely a heavy psychological blow to them, but it has not caused them any actual damage.

definitely 英英释义


1. without question and beyond doubt

    e.g. it was decidedly too expensive
           she told him off in spades
           by all odds they should win

    Synonym: decidedly unquestionably emphatically in spades by all odds
