
deductions [dɪ'dʌkʃnz]  [dɪ'dʌkʃnz] 



deductions 基本解释
扣除( deduction的名词复数 );结论;扣除的量;推演;
deductions 网络解释

1. 扣除:押金:收据(Receipts)和利息归还押金(Returning the Deposit)以及扣除(Deductions)1. 一张损坏的详细清单,列明他们的原状(nature)和损坏程度(extent)以及需要的维修.

2. 扣减:作者:Kay Bell[CBS.MW佛罗里达州10日讯]你的报税身份(filing status)是甚么?听起来是个简单问题,但能否正确填写对你的缴税额有很大影响. 你的税负很大程度上与报税身份有关. 报税身份还决定纳税人能否享受扣减(deductions)或扣抵额(credits),从而令你的最终缴税额降低.

3. 抵扣:两个最重要的报税名词:收入抵扣(tax deductions) 和税款抵减(tax credits)收入抵扣(deductions)是指减少应该交税的收入. 税款抵减(tax credits)是指抵减应该交的税款工会年费及专业职业协会会费(Annual Union,

4. 扣减项目:1180 deconglomeration 企业分解 | 1181 deductions 扣减项目 | 1182 deed 契据

deductions 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. President Obama also repeated his call to do away with tax laws and deductions for the wealthy.

2. deductions在线翻译

2. The tax regime was aimed at offering a hand in curbing growth, and was thus designed to disallow tax deductions for manufacturers to purchase equipment.

3. The number of tax deductions and exemptions should be limited within a certain level and reduction and exemption should go through strict procedures.

4. deductions

4. Therefore, direct assets transfer to the private foundation will not incur tax deductions or exemptions.

5. The bank said the earnings forecast it had made in January had not taken into account the recently approved tax deductions.

6. As a result, enterprises cannot claim tax deductions for purchase of fixed assets such as equipment and machinery.

7. The deductions for expenses may apply well to foreign taxpayers who usually spend more than their Chinese counterparts to maintain a certain standard of living.

8. These will range from match suspensions to point deductions - three for a first offence, six for a second and relegation in case of further transgressions.

9. Enterprises cannot claim tax deductions for purchase of fixed assets such as equipment and machinery.

10. deductions的意思

10. Companies could not claim tax deductions for the purchase of fixed assets such as equipment and machinery.
