
declassify [ˌdi:ˈklæsɪfaɪ]  [diˈklæsəˌfaɪ] 





declassify 基本解释


declassify 网络解释


1. 不机密:declassification 从机密表删除 | declassify 不机密 | declension 格变化

2. 不再当机密文件处理/从机密表删除:declassification /不再当机密文件处理/从机密表删除/ | declassify /不再当机密文件处理/从机密表删除/ | declension /词尾变化/格变化/倾斜/衰退/

3. 撤销保密:declamation 高声说话,高调 | declassify 撤销保密 | declination 倾斜,衰微

4. 销密:宣布速率 declared speed | 销密 declassify | 防御性电子反制措施 DECM

declassify 双语例句


1. This is a book of declassified declassify Hacker is one of the essential skills, and hope that we can make good use of them.

2. DES declassified document source code, can declassify any type of any...

3. DES declassified document source code, can declassify any type of any size document.

4. The commission investigating the 9/11 attacks, which killed nearly 3, 000 people, asked the US administration to declassify the document at its meeting Thursday.


5. Mr Bush denied on Tuesday September 26th that the war has made America less safe and he agreed to declassify parts of the document.

6. Therefore, there is no reason to declassify the PR EXCO minutes when no approvals to the Koperasi and developer were given by PR.

7. The essay analyses the structure of financial account system on the net, put forward the course of encipher and declassify in the data transmission course.

8. The president is being pressed by all sides to declassify the report.

9. Accordingly, we have taken unprecedented steps to declassify and make facts available to people who can judge for themselves.

10. The latest document release underscores the need for the government to declassify the remaining information about the suspected theft, some former federal officials say.

declassify 词典解释

1. 撤销(秘密文件或档案)的密级;对…解密
    If secret documents or records are declassified, it is officially stated that they are no longer secret.

    e.g. These reports were only declassified last year.

declassify 单语例句

1. Commission members unanimously asked the White House to declassify the memo, whose title had not been revealed previously.

2. declassify

2. But that determination is difficult to make without knowing precisely when Bush decided to declassify the information.

3. declassify的解释

3. Polish prosecutors trying to pursue the perpetrators say they are getting no support from Moscow, which they say refuses to declassify relevant files.

4. In order to declassify such a document, intelligence and other agencies are consulted to ensure sources and methods would not be compromised.


5. The documents provide a glimpse of nearly 700 pages of materials that the agency plans to declassify this week.

6. Guo said the ministry would work in the next three years to declassify archives from between 1965 to 1977.

declassify 英英释义



1. lift the restriction on and make available again

    e.g. reclassify the documents
