
deceit [dɪˈsi:t]  [dɪˈsit] 


deceit 基本解释


名词谎言; 诡计; 欺骗,欺诈

deceit 网络解释

1. 欺诈:自1789年英国的一个判决(Pasley v.Freeman)之后,欺诈(deceit)成为了侵权行为的一种,受欺诈人可请求欺诈方赔偿. [14]不过,合同法依然对欺诈受害人提供了补救. 这种补救主要表现在两个方面:一是自英国的1728年的一个判例(Stuart v.Wilkins)确定以来,

2. 欺骗, 谎言:cynical 愤世嫉俗的 | deceit 欺骗, 谎言 | expeditionary 远征的

3. 欺诈,舞弊:decapitalization资本减缩 | deceit欺诈,舞弊 | decentralization分散权利,分权

deceit 词典解释

1. 欺骗;欺诈
    Deceit is behaviour that is deliberately intended to make people believe something which is not true.

    e.g. They have been involved in a campaign of deceit.

deceit 单语例句

1. And, again her cast proves adept at navigating the surface and those tricky undercurrents of deceit.

2. " He is the master of deceit and deception, " Roberts told CBS news Sunday.

3. In a complex web of diplomacy and deceit, the secret agent falls foul both of his enemy and British and US intelligence.

4. He was arrested on charges of invasion of privacy after one of his tenants discovered the deceit while cleaning the flat.

5. deceit

5. The court said Wu amassed the fortune by deceit and promising high returns as an incentive.

6. deceit是什么意思

6. Keeping with the deceit that has served him well over the years, he names no names.

7. Days into the investigation, police have discovered a disturbing pattern of deceit by Walker.

8. deceit什么意思

8. With their media of influence, they manipulated public opinion and resorted to deceit.

9. deceit的意思

9. China does not need western style media with their sensationalism and deceit.

10. They used anesthetic, deceit and kidnapping to traffic women and children.

deceit 英英释义


1. the act of deceiving

    Synonym: deception dissembling dissimulation

2. the quality of being fraudulent

    Synonym: fraudulence

3. deceit在线翻译

3. a misleading falsehood

    Synonym: misrepresentation deception
