
decaying [dɪ'keɪɪŋ]  [dɪ'keɪɪŋ] 







decaying 基本解释
腐烂,腐朽( decay的现在分词 );衰败,衰退,衰落;
decaying 网络解释


1. 衰减,衰退:decay tube ==> 衰变管 | decaying ==> 衰减,衰退 | decaying conduction current ==> 衰减传导电流

2. 颓坏:decayed /腐烂的/ | decaying /颓坏/ | deccelarate /减低速度/

3. 腐蝕作用:Debris 碎片 | Decaying 腐蝕作用 | Deciduous forest 落葉林

4. 腐朽:eroded rock 被腐蝕的岩石 | decaying 腐朽 | matter 問題

decaying 单语例句

1. decaying的翻译

1. Also on Saturday, work resumed to clean up the remaining decaying and stinking fish clogging King Harbor.

2. It became a British and French concession after they won in the Opium Wars, and is covered with decaying colonial buildings which housed trading offices and residences.

3. decaying的近义词

3. The coastal sand dunes were heavily eroded, the coastal vegetation was decaying and the beach was deserted and littered.

4. Beijing's old and decaying factory buildings are getting a new lease of life.

5. Much of the interesting stuff posted there is snippets from television shows, arguably part of the decaying old media.

6. In Bremen, a government official speaks of the danger posed by decaying munitions.

7. None of the packets come with warning labels, such as decaying teeth or blackened lungs.

8. " Their natural aptitude for song and dance is decaying, " Yang says.

9. And dead, decaying trees release some of that captured carbon back into the atmosphere.

10. Bloated and decaying bodies continued to wash ashore on the island as hopes of finding survivors amid the rubble of hotels and shops faded slowly.
